“Power without love is reckless and abusive, and love without power is sentimental and anemic. Power at its best is love implementing the demands of justice, and justice at its best is power correcting everything that stands against love.” ― Martin Luther King

Monday, April 11, 2022

wake up in an hour to do my Prayerline

4/8/2022 3:06am Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word !
I knew You would do this to me. It’s just weird. I’ve always had You as a good close Friend. My mom did some Ritual, and taught me some Prayers! St. Michael Before Me, St. Michael behind Me, St. Michael above Me, St. Michael Below Me, St. Michael Be on left of Me, St. Michael on right of Me, St. Michael inside Me, St. Michael all around Me. . . 

Mom taught me this like from birth. Saint Michael, Saint Raphael, Saint Teresa, , Saint, Saint, Arch-Angels, and The Ascended Masters were like my bedroom buddies, not super hero’s or cartoon characters we all made up. And what’s remarkable for me now, is that I never knew it. I never knew what it was all about. . . I just listened to her!
What you must do is recognize no one can understand you because you always assume that people know "ME" and have a similar Experience that you have with Spirit. You have communicated with Us all your life. Just like talking with trees and chirping at all the animals, it's not anyone will easily understand or relate to.
You know and understand how once you made contact with a specific animal; the entire species knows you at this same level. You understand Souls, and how animals have group souls too. The Earth is a big Soul Garden, growing love and light for all. Anywhere you go they all know you when you make a sound they heard before. Every sound is very unique and different. People are so over-burdened with noise, that they can't listen or understand these nuances of the different sounds. 
It's the same experience with dogs as each one will know your own Bear-Dog. You loved Bear and saved his life. He was your dog. ALL DOGS know you are a dog lover. Similarly, all the birds know you are a gardener. The Butterflies dance and sing for you. And you are desperate to video tape it so you can prove to others how remarkable your experience is.
It’s after 3am now, I will need to wake up in an hour to do my prayerline time!
I keep falling asleep too. So I better get my drink, Coffee and my green drink. I never took my cleanse pills, like You wanted me to. I guess that is really a sin, not listening to You.
What happens is that you speak to people as if they were all connected to spirit the same as you are. And you do meet plenty of people who are and you are able to discern those who are and those who are not based on how they respond to you. This is one of the many critical techniques your mother was sure to teach you about. 
Each of these little tricks are very important. There is such a dominate element of deception and evil that you need to get everything clear and strong ASAP. . . but recognize, even if you DO MELD with people, they will need to have this experience with you more than once, or it's not going to carry. And NONE will call you to say they "KNOW YOU."
It's something that I work on all the time. Each moment I'm looking up something more, trying something different, pushing into a new space to make something different come together into a new space. Everything about my experience and understanding allows me to tread on areas where no one has gone. Do things that many don't understand or are even capable of perceiving.
What you are saying here, is really the whole point ==> PRACTICE WHAT YOU PREACH. If you are serious about doing things no one else can do, then focus and make sure you are clear and direct in all you do. You are still really unstable and randomly shift from one area to another. If you really plan and want to make certain things happen, then stop cutting corners and get to it.
I know, it's really not fair to give me so much crap because every time I get outside doing work around here and I chant Thank You Dear Lord Jesus Christ, I Love You Dear Lord Jesus Christ, Thank You Dear Lord Jesus Christ, I Love You Dear Lord Jesus Christ, , , You pull in more and more, where I get more things done at once, but get confused and burdened with so much at once!
We have to prepare you. Just like your Mother did, teaching you specific skills and techniques that were very focused to get you through the challenges before you. Like putting together your computer this week. You had a mess of chords all around, and started by wrapping up and organizing them as you cleared you space. And then you knew, to stop putting away and to assemble instead. Then if came together quickly and easily. You Trust the experience and flow through it with ease. This is your world. You need to get there more consciously, and fearlessly. 
I understand and I also need to get more specific and focused on my Prayer life. As I prepare for my daily Prayerline work, I know I need to stop and get centered into Your Love!
We have prepared this for you too. Everything you are doing now is getting you deeper into Prayer. The power and clarity of your Prayer is more powerful than ever, and it will be more clear to you as you get more focused and clear about using it.
I'm starting to get this understanding!
What do you remember about your experience with Maryanne. Getting lessons from your Fat Ram is important. After you recognized the Truth you had in your hands, you began to explore those limits, and recognized that you focus and clarity in ONE Word, for One Moment, in One Intention was golden. You were fearless, and direct, moving and doing everything that you could imagine. 
You are doing the same thing now, where YOUR WORD is enough to create and move Mountains, exactly as Jesus Said. . . with the faith of a mustard seed!
I know, and I guess I was always intimidated by this!
What your Mom did was protect you, as your moment of fear is enough to all deception in and you get confused and the Word Power is used wrongly allowing the world to suffer around you. 
I know, I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.

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