“Power without love is reckless and abusive, and love without power is sentimental and anemic. Power at its best is love implementing the demands of justice, and justice at its best is power correcting everything that stands against love.” ― Martin Luther King

Saturday, December 31, 2022

restoring our connection

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!
It was designed and created by all of us. What happened now?
I am always having really powerful experiences, where someone else was able to  walk-by, see, feel, taste, witness and notice my very clear direct experiences with God. It’s really remarkable to me, just connected to nature. Like this morning the SUN was so powerful, it was vibrating through me: 
It was peaceful and beautiful as usual. And the radio was preaching in tune with me. That is always so powerful to experience with my work and routine, each word I hear, vibrates into repeated images and ideas of God's Grace experienced that moment. I always share this radio station live here for you now, because I KNOW it is more about my vibration than anything. It really doesn’t matter what they preach or what the music is. It’s always in JOY with the Perspective of Jesus, which is ideal, and keeping it in Jesus, keeps you connected to me. It makes this vibration i share real for you, because if you click this link and listen for this moment reading this word on this paper, YOU CONNECT, instantly. I know its really some ancient Yoga about sounds of Truth, NOW connecting Heaven and Earth, at some deep metaphysical level here and now, that I can barely understand, or can barely describe at all to you in these written words. 

And i know everyone can share it very easily with just a song on this radio here in the Love Vortex of Tampa Bay. Remember this IS EDEN, we are ALL here to share in it, as we all designed this together. Forget the snake, stop all those distractions and return here in Truth with me NOW.  The Love of Jesus is ALIVE here for us, and again this is the right place, at the right time; for you to hear and feel the joy, love, & peace now. It’s really about just accepting my place and responsibility to do and share something very deep and powerful with you. I remember when the Medicine Man visited and called me the Man of Knowledge. He didn’t ask anything, but simply sat on the bench here pictured where someone is walking by. He sat and watched as the Sun came up and he already knew what I was doing. Of course, I kinda know conceptually and recognize it’s fundamental to our survival here and now.
What you need to know is that no one else is doing this as you are. The birds, and feathers, and regalia that you bring into form are also very critical to making this vibration higher and stronger for everyone. You can feel how everyone who comes by feels your resonance. You also notice how every dog stops and wants to visit. You’ve seen young children look over, and seek to get closer. You’ve loved how the birds come and all the beauty of this experience. Each time you struggle to stay focused, you see the SunLight Flowing deep into your body and down into Earth. You feel your chakra’s spin and the Light moves, knowing how this vibration creates deeper stronger harmonies.
Now it’s about following through. You know you can heal anyone or anything. Each new element is already created and designed to bring you through. Stepping into it is happening more and more, holy forever. If you have been forgiven, sing this song forever and amen. And. The Angels cried, Holy, you were living holy forever.
I was so surprised as I took this pic of my feet as the Sun opened up more. I knew it was a Live Apple Pic, so clicked and held to see what happened with the moments of the time-lapse. It was so weird as i saw this flash around me as clipped below!

Like the light of this moment got caught onto me and spun around me like I feel through my chakra’s, but here it was on my skin around my images is this light flashing in the sun for this very unique special moment that I had and shared for an instant.

I think it was some new apple app to copy or edit the pic as I’ve asked before. It was totally random and so powerful to feel the light vibrate around me, and to see this again in the pic, where the Sun shown so strongly and clear before me. I figured it had to be a new app editing feature, that was added with my next beta upgrade in IOS. I Love discovering these random IOS Beta changes so often anticipating my next task to enable my next creations.

I think this was happening so I would take the time to explain more about my experiences. I can always feel the Son burning through me. I’m pulled through the different motions and directions, where each element of my being is charged into higher levels of Light. I recognize what this means to my physiology and I sense how my body gets clearer and stronger. It is like every time I complete this exercise my vibrations shift to higher levels of coherence with Heaven and Earth. More health, more youth, and more energy vibrating within me that I see in my third eye.

Like I Flashed to new levels of details for the challenges and responsibilities opening up before me. Whatelse would I want to teach and share. All kinds of vibrant images Flash through my minds eye. All mankind needs to get into this very single personal vibration, that I have created with Jesus HERE in TAMPA BAY. . . And yes, I know it’s a Love Vortex we created here. It’s very powerful and obvious to everyone. We are always very friendly and open to love and help others. It’s just what is here, and what we are experiencing each and every day.
What about the ACTIONS you are always calling for. You know there is so much more that needs to come forward here and it’s so much stronger and real for you. This experience you share in writing is a tiny reflection and you are so clear about so much more power and focus available for you.

I know its about gardens and kids and restoring our connection to Earth to love and grow and share more as we can each and every day

I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ. Thank You Dear Lord Jesus Christ, Please dearest Mother Mary lend Your Strength, Love, & Wisdom to help me to grow and evolve into this place we created before me for the Glory of Father, Son and Holy Ghosts, amen. . . 

Monday, December 26, 2022

many things forward

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word! It’s the beginning of something new. I am always alone and wondering what could be next. Or maybe these times to write and share in Spirit are my foundation and my creation intending this time alone to decide what’s next.
We have always been here with you, just as you notice how Ely, Joyce, Joni and even Dawn are with their own families now. You reach out and hear each reply from afar. They know you and visit you often and you recognize how important it is for them to spend time with their children, exactly as you have been wanting. It’s such a high vibration you experience with kids. Olivia yesterday allowed you to see and teach her more in a few moments than you did in weeks with students at USF last term. 
Yes, this last term teaching shifted things tremendously for them, and it was really a powerful experience for you to connect and move them. Each one of your students were grateful for the power and focus you provided to them. Many shifted things a lot deeper and stronger than anyone would ever know and understand at that moment. Again it’s a vibration that carries them forward and influences deep seeded aspects that are hidden deep inside.
I understand how my place and power moves so many things forward! And I still get the sense I’ll be teaching and opening things up more in the months to come. I’ve submitted so many applications and resumes to St Pete and USF, and this has not really opened anything more up for me.
What you are feeling and sensing about your now is as real as it gets. You have tried to help the people around you and they refuse to move forward. Spending more and more time here is not healthy for you or for them. You recognize this is not healthy or moving forward. It’s getting worse not better.
I’m trying to respect other people and their choices! But it has been impacting me more and more. Like one guest wants to leave because of a new dog in the room. I’ve always seen the dog with the owner, and not getting up or out at all. Of course, my guest is not happy about it and asked about leaving the room, and even getting a refund on the month she paid for, so she can leave now.  Then the backyard looks like a private bathroom, with laundry and junk all around . . . 

Then I’m also asked about what do I really want to get together and make happen. . 
We have been asking this for years. Building a city of Love is a wonderful idea, and how you created it in High School was part of your expression and Divinity in experience. You created so much focus and motion with these ideas you wrote and shared. Now you have seen these same expressions over and over again in front of you. You still want to remove all the cars. You want to have everyone with free access to information and knowledge, and you have seen this come into fruition. This technology you use so easily now is more than you imagined even possible. Just like having a strong woman ready to help and having three children each at a time that you cherished.
I get it. What about winning the lottery? What would I do then? Could I build and do anything more than I am already doing. Would I buy more e-bikes or cars or something else to make my airbnb space something more. Not really. I don’t want anything more. Would I invest in building kid-containers? Maybe that’s ideal? Maybe saving the worlds children is where I belong. Would I prefer to just love little kids and teach them to love and grow plants and animals in the gardens or somewhere else?  Do i need to create my own school, or daycare center? Would I open my home for more transient people struggling to find and achieve their dreams or would I do something else? What would I really seek?

Do I want to be planting mangroves and singing to the sunshine each morning again? What church would support me there, or do I need my own church? Do I really seek to heal people, or is this a responsibility I feel obligated to. Like helping Judy at Unity, is it the church, or the food, or the opportunity to help and love another mother figure, like my own mother? What is it there that I really seek? Do I love to cook and feed people? Would this be something more that I need to seek or pursue for the next hundred years?

My Son made it so obvious how delighted I was to be teaching at USF again. And I sorta get this feeling that JJ might be asking me to fill-in or take-over again anyway. What about this experience was so exciting for me? Was it the sudden challenge to teach and present something that I’ve not done before? Did I need to clarify my teaching methods so that I could step into it more strongly or was there something else that this opened up? Yes changing lives is what I’ve always done. Teaching bright strong seniors who are stepping into their own careers was certainly a challenge and powerful experience. It was a delight to see how easy it was to change people’s lives and how they viewed their world and future.

Is this where I belong? Do I need to stop trying to help everyone else and focus on helping myself? What else could I do about teaching? It’s not something far away, and not something so complicated. There are dozens of colleges locally, and I’ve only explored and applied to one of them. Is this my major focus?
What you have done is recognize that you can bring and change everything. Ending the lies and deceptions that plague Earth has been a passion for you. The corruption of capitalism was what started you, and then through your own mother’s sacrifice, you came to know how deep these lies really are. This course you taught allowed you to bring many of these ideas out to inspire students to learn and take their place and responsibility more seriously. You were able to change lives. You have always done this for people. And you have trusted and allowed this place and responsibility to evolve and grow before you. Watching and stepping into things that show-up is easy and powerful for you. But what you have attracted and brought into your space is so much more.
I’m stumped. I have three dogs in the front rooms, two people on bunks and one who paid extra for the private room. Then I have three more dogs in the back with a mother-daughter couple who are set on smoking themselves sick! They paid for the tent space and are now living in my tool-box. The container is now a bedroom, and I’m not sure what they are doing in there beyond smoking all the time. I asked them not to smoke on my property, and that had them hiding cigarettes from me, but smoking as much or more than ever. So they don’t respect me and want me to give them cash for cleaning the bathroom that they only paid for one week. 

Then of course, I have another friend who found me at Saint Raphael’s Sunday service and has come and visited my home everyday since then with her three children. Loving a pretty woman is easy, leading and loving children is something else I’ve always done and enjoyed. Wanting to have the fun and joy I shared with Emily and Christopher again is something really wonderful of course.
What about your experience with “only 3 left?”
Yes I felt it was my experience with the Mangroves that allowed us to step to three years beyond the three weeks and months.  What’s “soon” anyway, it’s been millions of years to bring us to this time. And it’s only been three centuries that we have been destroying it all.
What do you feel about this now
I’m not sure it’s relevant anymore. Like we have stepped beyond these limits again. Like walking through walls, stepping beyond limits is what I see and experience all the time. Do I want anything more? Do I need anything more? What about this experience is critical for me now?
What about sleep? You’ve been reading and rewriting this all day long. You’ve really not found anything new, and simply are allowing things to stay as you have placed them already. The people move and shift around you and you help them along, or watch as a spectator instead of taking control. Providing directions and encouragement is nice, but you have so much more you need to do. What about making your City of Love. What is happening there that you can still move forward. Consider also what’s before you. What would you share with your son, and what would you want to hide from your son? And if choosing to hide things is where you are now, WHY?
I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.

Friday, December 23, 2022

The Power of Meditation

The Power of Meditation
  • As of 2019, an estimated 200 million to 500 million people around the globe were meditating regularly. Considering its many psychological and physical benefits, this is good news. There is a large body of evidence demonstrating the mind-body connection is real, and that your mind has a direct impact on your physical health
  • Brain imaging has revealed meditation alters your brain in a number of beneficial ways, such as increasing gray matter volume in brain regions involved in the regulation of emotions, memory, learning and self-referential processes
  • Meditation has also been shown to alter the expression of 2,209 different genes. Examples of genetic effects include the down-regulation of genes involved in inflammation and stress
  • Clinically, mindfulness-based meditation practice has been demonstrated in randomized trials to improve depressive symptoms in women with fibromyalgia and to have lasting anti-anxiety effects after only eight weeks of group practice
  • Studies suggest meditation can help a wide range of health problems, including cardiac arrhythmias, bronchial asthma, cold sores, cough, ulcers, diabetes, constipation, infertility, high blood pressure, psoriasis, pain and much more

According to the featured BBC Documentary “The Power of Meditation,”1,2 originally aired in 2008, more than 10 million Westerners practice daily meditation. More recent statistics3 suggest people are turning to meditation in droves, with the number of practitioners tripling since 2012. As of 2019, an estimated 200 million to 500 million people around the globe were meditating regularly.

Considering its many psychological and physical benefits, this is good news, especially in light on the pandemic we are all going through. There is a large body of evidence demonstrating the mind-body connection is real, and that your mind has a direct impact on your physical health.

Meditation Changes Your Brain and Body for the Better

For example, brain imaging has revealed meditation alters your brain in a number of beneficial ways — such as increasing gray matter volume in brain regions involved in the regulation of emotions, memory, learning and self-referential processes4 — and studies show meditative practices even alter your genetic expression.5,6,7,8

Tuesday, December 20, 2022


For 40 years, nutritional therapist and quantum energy healer Mark Mincolla, Ph.D., has integrated ancient Chinese energy healing techniques with emerging nutritional science in what he calls Electromagnetic Muscle Testing, an approach that zeros in on each individual’s unique dietary needs. He has authored seven books, including The Wu Way, The Tao of Ch’i and Whole Health.

In his most recent work, The Way of Miracles: Accessing Your Superconsciousness—and an accompanying documentary film of the same title—he shares his experiences, documented research and exercises to cultivate our natural ability to heal and create miracles.

Yes I know you want me to do so much more and I am barely getting started.
It’s really a challenge to keep up sometimes, and I know it’s all about my own creations and my own power and desire that makes everything come together in such a way that everything works for You.

I was really surprised this last Sunday. This lady was dancing around and singing at the church. It was clear to me she needed help, or wanted something from me. But I left without saying a word to her. Course I forgot my moccasins that I always take off in church. When I went back inside, she was talking with one of the Father’s and I thought they had been working together already.

When I Spoke to her, I found she was annoying everyone, getting all manic about who she is, and how she could save all these children from Ukraine. Again the powerful high vibration frequency of love, desperate to get expressed. Turns out she has three children, who all clearly need a father. And then she has a husband in prison who is creating more and more problems for her and everyone else.

I shared a bit about my work with STARS and she replied she found the Saint Rafael that the St Raphael Catholic Church was missing. And she has since been very clear and focused about how we must be working together to move forward. Both saving children in Ukraine and doing more with the Churches, Gardens, and gospel here in St Pete.

This has really been a delight, and has inspired many deep conversations. Speaking at length about what I really need and who ideally I Am is where we have come to. Like creating the Luxury ABB seems like a obvious start. But competing with exclusive hotels is not my place, rather competing with the lies of the moffit cancer center. My goals in luxury retreats is not the dead paradigm of the bigger faster car, but the restoring truth and the meaning of health and love of community and family. 

My retreat is a family home, an urban farm to restore health and peace, not another big-box store selling the spoils of greed and materialism. The lies of the Matrix are obvious and recognized by many, but the viable solutions and applications are non-existent. Like I have no interaction with the public schools yet. 

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!
What you are doing now is stepping more into your responsibilities. The experience you had with your mother brought you into the space of knowledge deep into the systems. Walking through walls you were never intimidated to explore deeper allowing you to have this deep knowledge. Always at the right place at the right time.
I just flashed into the city where people moved with rubber tracks floating on water. Water everywhere was pumped and moved to bring health and nutrition to people. This endless irrigation system, sewer system, water systems provided the power for moving people, bringing the focus on cooperation and support in evolving systems. Not the greed separated controls we find everywhere. I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ. Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!
What you need to do is get busy, clearing the systems for making a new.
I know, i'm moving. . . I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.

Monday, December 5, 2022

3d-phd: I AM stars4man?

So we are ending now.
3/13/23 it's all over.
They aer cmonig!
Adn Tehy aer raeyll pdessi!

Thank You Dear Lord Jesus Christ, I Love You Dear Lord Jesus Christ, Thank You Dear Lord Jesus Christ, I Love You Dear Lord Jesus Christ, Thank You Dear Lord Jesus Christ, I Love You Dear Lord Jesus Christ, Thank You Dear Lord Jesus Christ, I Love You Dear Lord Jesus Christ, Thank You Dear Lord Jesus Christ, I Love You Dear Lord Jesus Christ, Thank You Dear Lord Jesus Christ, I Love You Dear Lord Jesus Christ, Thank You Dear Lord Jesus Christ, I Love You Dear Lord Jesus Christ, Thank You Dear Lord Jesus Christ, I Love You Dear Lord Jesus Christ. Thank You Dear Lord Jesus Christ. I Love You Dear Lord Jesus Christ. Thank You Dear Lord Jesus Christ. I Love You Dear Lord Jesus Christ. 

3d-phd: Dear I AM. . . I Am eric an’
Understand the big picture first . . . . 

I'm really crazy fanatical about putting all these truths that I discovered together, to show these lies that KILLED my Mom: Ely Maria Rivera Emmanuelli Weaver on 1/24/1999.