“Power without love is reckless and abusive, and love without power is sentimental and anemic. Power at its best is love implementing the demands of justice, and justice at its best is power correcting everything that stands against love.” ― Martin Luther King

Saturday, February 23, 2019

creating a real system

I would like to contribute some volunteer hours to get started into something new. I know I can build and do anything, and want a partner with the clear focus for creating new growth.

I am truly stunned about how things happen to me randomly and spontaneously to support Earth's Natural Evolution.

Like someone new reading this post: YOU! You could hire me NOW to create an inspiring, powerful, community center, class, Company, building, online course, Park or Garden as I step forward fearlessly recreating the systems of human life and society!
  • YES, creating a real system, like a family based in truth, respect and love
  • YES, like with my son who is so awesome: Award Winning 3 Book Series
  • YES, and my pretty daughter is expecting: πŸ’‍♀️πŸ‘ΌπŸ»
  • YES, my LIFE FLOWS Spontaneously Synchronized: see fourth sentence in 2015 school work
  • YES, I AM ready to do anything!
NOW, I can volunteer, until you can hire me or find me a paycheck, a dealtrade, or whatever, as long as you promise to!

Let's get started, as I've started dozen of systems already: See some previous works: The Social Entrepreneur
Give me the context of your work and I can continue the evolution of your technology relationships, experiences, energy, desires, passions, love and growth into the St Petersburg community here in Tampa Bay. ;-)

I have been online and creating virtually since the days of the Radio Shack TRS-80. NOW, I have become FIT enough to ENGAGE this powerful knowing and vibrational FLOW experience that Earth IS and have demonstrated this knowing and experience constantly.

I’m available now to help! I propose a new volunteer job starting now finding you a property in St Pete for our shared vision! Thank you very much for your time and consideration!

Kind Regards,

Eric R.R. Weaver, MBA, MSM, Ph.D.
iPhone: (813) 616-0164

PS: Anyone can say they know energy, resonance, synchronicity but it's another to live it:

Additionally, my first job discussed on my resume, "1988 -- CAD Engineer, Delta Corporation" was where I Beta-Tested the Fortan Mainframe Program the University of Florida was developing as EPA's StormWater Management Model . . . What really impressed me most was how these forces of FLOW momentum from these past choices press me forward now. Making this choice for my first job testing new mainframe computer technology which define the universe now. KNOWING again in 2018 for my last job (after more college), again discussing and creating the next steps and changes for human development,  testing processes for evolving more sustainability there . . . AGAIN, loving the direct experience of creating and FLOWing into what needs to be created next that no one has done yet . . .

Finally, I recently explored creating with this link to this Xprize:
Home Title XPrize Triple Play: Energy Food Farms for a Billion
Grand Challenge Areas (I started to prepare the Xprize for $10 million creating videos 
due in 3 days. No video here is polished, but it's a joy seeing them evolve. Yes, the sponteneous synchronicity  o;-D))))
  1. Energy of the Future
  2. Feeding the Next Billion 
  3. Lifting Farmers Out of Poverty 
Through this blog I decided I could share more about my experience to create complete transparency into who I AM, as the previous posts listed below depicts!
  1. https://www.linkedin.com/in/stars2man/
  2. https://www.facebook.com/stars2man
  3. http://eweaver.myweb.usf.edu/resume/
  4. https://www.facebook.com/eric.rafael.rivera.weaver
OH, another spontaneous expression Previously inspired, after learning my daughter is expecting: