“Power without love is reckless and abusive, and love without power is sentimental and anemic. Power at its best is love implementing the demands of justice, and justice at its best is power correcting everything that stands against love.” ― Martin Luther King

Monday, June 27, 2022

New development opportunities

Throughout your day, ask what fruit your actions are producing. 
Do all of your actions lead to charity? 

Who am I supposed to be?
Who am I for Jesus?

Each day I share more light with You Jesus Christ.
Thank you for Creating The Way of Your Word!
talk about the video last night
I had Mada over for dinner! He had moved into my old office with the door to let his cat out of the catbox. I had the space all opened up, to clean out the front rooms. Then my iphone beeped about a doctors appointment and so I ran out. I thought he wouldn't be home until midnight as usual, but he came home early. When my iphone beeped about my camera I called and he was home. "Oh Sorry, about my mess" I said, and he didn't care, it was obvious I was cleaning things up. I'm guessing he was thrilled I was cleaning up again.

Yes, so I got home, after the doctor's, Aldi, Sams Club, and all during my one trip driving my truck this week. And Mada ordered pizza, and said he had two for us to eat, and he wanted to watch The Chosen again. Oh yes, we had watched a few episodes before and he said we last watched the wedding episode. So the next one was Season 1, Episode 6:  The Indescribable Compassion, where Jesus' followers witness him healing a leper and then the paralyzed man, which was just incredible to share with him.
that's wonderful and where did it take you.
I was so happy about it! And I stopped it a few times to share my own learning and growth in this experience with him. He clearly enjoyed the show and asked me a bunch of questions afterwards. Like what's an "angel.". . 

Wow that was neat. I hadn't expected anything so delightful to happen. And so I talked about the souls of a cat or a dog each having a level of love and understanding that they carry in a group soul. Then how these levels of souls evolved to our own where we each choose to live and love as individuals. Each of us choosing to be a love of our own and when we choose to share this with Jesus we have this tingling feeling of "goosebumps" up our spine. 
this is the power and clarity that Mass brought to you.  Each day in Church you are bringing this feeling of a Love in Jesus, this "tingling down the spine" that you know is necessary for you. You bring this vibration of Love into the Church, and share it across the whole space. Your walking in this Way of the Lord is very powerful and clear. Some can see understand and believe, while some might not ever. Just like you had the experience of your mom guiding you and protecting you so young as a child. Everyone has child experiences that shape them forever.
Yes but I know it is really all about how we are all created in a the Image of God. The dust of the Earth formed into Man to tend the Garden of Eden. And how we never touch this Earth anymore living in a plastic world filled with shoes and synthetics to block the energy we can transfer from one to another very naturally. And so much of the culture and lie's of men hide these deepen truths that have always known.
When God says something, you just obey him! You share as you are inspired. It's about giving your understanding in this Word and this Life. As with this Command to live within you and share the blessing of the truth and knowledge that you have.
I try to be very clear and sure about each word I share, and I'm never sure which end is up sometimes
this really doesn't matter. You share the truth of your experience and others need to learn form their own experiences. That is why it is so important for you to stay in the habits and routines you have created for yourself
I know I an doing better all the time. I'm never sure what I'm doing but it certainly gets better and better.
this is all you need, stay fearless and stay here!
I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.

Sunday, June 12, 2022

gourmet meal delivered to us

Wow what a powerful dream now. Very clear and very focused.

It started out with us coming into some event at USF. I was with Alan McCarthy and we were coming onto campus for some official event! It was clear that we were not part of the event, but I knew about it, so I wanted us to attend. It was like teams working together preparing a new program or something for the school. There are hundreds of people around, all with families, and their children, and everybody had an official tag; and it was also very clear that we did not have any tags.

But we got in anyway, because I knew how to get in the back door, as usual. So we were sitting in the grass area and there were people all around. And the big tidal wave came up. I saw it coming and got out of the way.  I just stepped inside, and I didn’t get wet, but a lot of other people got washed away and the other thing that was weird was I saw a plane coming down towards us. I thought it was a warplane and that we were going to be shot at. So I ran inside to avoid that, too. And when it blasted everybody they were all covered with confetti. Yes confetti, some kind of broadcast or a message sent out from some corporation.

That was weird they knew we were gonna get shot at. But what was even more weird, was a ton of confetti with some name on it, from some corporation or something. I went back outside and the place was covered with stuff. Of course, there are different events and places we were supposed to be throughout the day. For some reason, I remember very distinctly getting a gourmet meal delivered to us.

Then I also encouraged Alan to go into the different meetings. And of course he was out of place, but he still was very strong and very focused about getting information out of them. He wasn’t so much sharing but we were collecting data. Then I jumped into this one room, because I wanted to see what was going on.  It was actually a children’s performance, so I left it. It was actually a very small auditorium, but it was also small like a spaceship almost and we were sitting on bleachers all around it in a tight space. Clearly it was set up for children and I got out before it started because I realized it was just for kids. It was so weird.

I knew the whole point was about setting up the new year semester programs for this college so that’s why I was so strong about being there. But then also to see all the propaganda and pollution with people getting brainwashed by garbage everywhere. 

That’s really powerful. So I’m trying to sleep again.

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word! I’m not surprised about this powerful dream. And I know you wanted me to get back into my ritual and regular schedules of exercise, Mass, and all. I’ve been out of it for the week. I wasn’t comfortable with what I was doing, but had made the commitment. I’ve always tried to finish whatever I started. So I wonder about missing the Mangroves for a week and it’s about time to start building and setting up the church gardens. They are finally getting a pump, only a hand pump, but it’s enough to get started. 
What you have been experiencing is important still. Recognizing how the population is still focused on materialism, but also know and understand that it’s not healthy and is really a useless diversion. This is one of the many addictions created with the TV. Your experience and understanding is about how easy it is to direct and redirect people who live from sight above all else. The power you have relying on includes sounds and other vibrations is deeper and more true than the addictions people get caught in trusting their sight beyond all else.
I don’t understand what is the point for making this so clear to me. You state here again how I’m more focused on these deeper feelings and still have new lessons here. 
What happened was that you could resonate with everyone. You found it easy to connect and share with random people. You even turned around conflicts to your own benefit. Further, the experience and challenge is that you give up your power too fast. You do have all you need, and it’s very obvious that you are in a place of power and light. This makes it very clear and possible for you to move things a lot quicker than ever before considered.
I get it and I realize how I am approaching another time of clear strong freedom. Seem to be getting rental tenants who can pay all my bills so I am free to do more of what I really want to be doing instead of stressing about rooms and tenants or anything
We have tried  to make  it easier for you to get to your peace 
I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.

Friday, June 10, 2022

The Way of Your Word: hearing about the last three

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word. I’ve not shared this experience that I have with you very much recently. And it’s really getting powerful again! I’m recognizing the Love of Jesus everywhere and I am trying to call it out for everyone more and more each day. I’ve been telling people how the Love of Jesus is present here with me, and I’m blessed to share this moment with them, where I know I can help and heal anything. I guess I’ve stop questioning myself and allow this Spirit to Flow more and more each and everyday.
What we need you to do, is stop talking about it all the time and start doing it more.
I’ve been trying to. But the distraction and “stress” gettin the next bill paid is wicked annoying!
Who you are all your life was never concerned with this.You always knew it was all taken care of. Your mother protected you and made it easy for you to recognize your opportunities. Yes being in the right place at the right time brings a lot more responsibility. You are challenged to be clear and specific. The reality of these experiences and people you’ve loved and shared with is apparent to everyone you speak to. Stop the fear and insecurity. Know and trust it is all exactly, where it needs to be.
I get it! And I’ve been trying really hard to keep up with everything you have done for me. It’s all very remarkable to see and step into. I’m still feeling so much more. It’s really remarkable to know that your Spirit and experience in the Trinity is happening inside of me more and more every day. And my responsibility to share and express this Spirit more is getting stronger and stronger every day.
Yes this is your challenge and responsibility to accept your place and allow this is grow and evolve before your eyes. Each day will bring more into your hands and more responsibility. You have written this all out before, and now start over again to be stronger into the real experience that you all need to understand more deeply.
I guess I have known my place and responsibility all along! Sharing my deeper knowledge and experiences is my challenge. Like posting the response to the school shooting in TX last week. I knew it was a critical issue, and it is still something that will bring parents out to yell and scream. I can warn people about it happening again and again. Just like I can warn people about the hurricanes; but I know no one will pay attention to me. 

Wow, I was just feeling into my own experience of "hearing about the last three!" So what is the last three all about, was it 3-minutes, 3-hours, 3-days, or what.
What was perfect about this is how you reacted to what you heard. That first three minutes you saw a portale open, and tinkerbell was there in front of you. It was such a wonderful blessing seeing and experiencing the last moments of this beautiful creature. She gave her all to come through, just like Joni did. each coming through for just a moment to share the experience of bliss and love with you. Again now you can feel this light overpowering you. these words begin to flow and you see another space opening before you, knowing it is only Jesus. . . 
Only Jesus, you only got one life to live, calling every single point you live, it's only Jesus. Jesus is the ONLY Name, Jesus is the ONLY Name, Jesus is the ONLY Name to remember. And you have been teaching and sharing with people these deeper truths that you know are fundamental now before you.
I know it's all about being Holy and Right with God, nothing else matters! How can God Declare a guilty Man - Not Guilty - Where God Declares Not Guilty, where Jesus takes the penalty and guilt for mankind to go free. Not the Law, but justification of the Law of Faith in the Son Jesus Christ. Jesus did the unending eternal act of acceptance opening the relationship to God for all to find and experience eternally. 
Where it is the Gratitude and Grace that Jesus Brings? You know the deeper truth here is loving your neighbor. How is stealing from them realistic for them? You know this makes it possible for greed and deception. Where is the Love for your neighbor?  They do not see the value of your work, when you tell them. It's more important to remain in integrity than to be deceptive to obtain compensation you are entitled to. This 'ENTITLEMENT' is your personal judgements not the will and respect of God. Taking from another is never justified. You know this; after 16 years living in deceptions, where your neighbors never knew who you were and what you were doing. . . . 
Consider the Jones family where your actions impacted their business . . . these were your literal neighbors who suffered by your actions. How is this following Jesus like Matthew 7:13-14 . . . it seems sensible to live this truth through your life knowing the place that has worked for you before. You chose to live without boundaries, and you chose to learn and grow through these struggles you have now. Making truth and deciding to bring justice to those you know and experience with.
I am back again with the same challenges I've had all my life! Like paying my taxes is a lie in the system. The system is corrupt and we are forced to live in the lies around us. But is this loving my neighbors? Do I pay the same taxes that they pay? Or are they paying taxes to cover my expenses so that I might care for other neighbors that have their own struggles. We are all loving our neighbors the best we can. And am I rationalizing myself now?
What do you feel about this? You have saved lives again. Today you spoke to someone a story that you heard yesterday. The single, lonely elderly person went down flights of stairs to find the Ambulance and Police outside of her building! She hadn’t been down in months.
When she encountered the terrified child and held her, hugged her, comforted her in the chaos of the moment; she was loving her neighbor and sharing the truth and divinity of the moment. You inspired her to get outside everyday. Not only in hopes of sharing with the same delightful child again, but also to get engaged in her community. Stepping outside to Garden, and plant, and share is very powerful and resonates with neighbors who also need to connect with the Earth.  
As God created Man from the STAR Dust of the Earth. . . which brings you back into this place of Divinity and Truth deep into the spirit and truth that we have in Jesus.
I KNOW MY PLACE AGAIN! and when this came out for me now, I was so intimidated since again I have to lead and love someone who needs my light and guidance.
What you are doing is so much deeper for you and everyone. It's not something easy, nor is it ever something easy for you. The deeper truth and challenges that you have before you are terrifying and challenging. 
I know I need to pray about what is before me! It's not right to be in a place of discomfort and misguided actions. If I feel this is something out of sorts with my own consciousness. It's important for me to get clear about my boundaries and responsibilities. I asked for directions and support in getting the work I was doing profitable and now I'm chasing the money instead of doing what I need to be doing. It doesn't feel right or respectable, but it is really just the place that I am in. 
We have never given you things that you can not deal with. You have tried to bring the truth and power of the truth into this experience you have before you. You know the Words of Jesus as The Way, The Truth, and The Life that you know and you share and lead as best as you can. This is all that we ask of everyone. And you are diligent and work openly to bring clarity and truth into all that is before you. What did you share, read and understand?
I went back and reread my experiences with the end! I have been pushed to the end of life many times. It’s been easy to see my own end, and how the systems around us and before us are crumbling and ending as if we are beyond them, living in a world or place that is unaffected or unchanged by all the death and chaos. But as I studied and wrote about the tipping points of civilization in college it became very clear to me how this was really part of my space and responsibility to help carry this forward.
What did you feel now as you spent the day reading, editing, experiencing the deceptions of materialism at its worse. A place where people have too much and in shear desperation seek to rid themselves of this addiction and attempt to release, but return again and again to the same poisons and deceptions of materialisms that they really do not need or have any place with.
I did another garage sale, knowing my own garage was filled with useless materials as was this one! Desperate to escape it from one moment to the next we would give away graciously, but then the very next moment hold-on and remain stingy wanting to get the full values of damaged useless assets.
What was most valuable was how you were able to share deeper truths with the random stranger who knew you had some honesty and integrity to share and experience with them at some level beyond their own understanding.
I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.

Thursday, June 2, 2022

Truth Will Set You Free . . John 8:31-38 ESV

John 8 ESV - but Jesus went to the Mount of Olives. - Bible Gateway

The Truth Will Set You Free 
31 So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed him, “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, 32 and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” 33 They answered him, “We are offspring of Abraham and have never been enslaved to anyone. How is it that you say, ‘You will become free’?” 34 Jesus answered them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, everyone who practices sin is a slave[b] to sin. 35 The slave does not remain in the house forever; the son remains forever. 36 So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed. 37 I know that you are offspring of Abraham; yet you seek to kill me because my word finds no place in you. 38 I speak of what I have seen with my Father, and you do what you have heard from your father.”

free to DO THE WORD of Jesus. Free from the slavery trapped in the system of greed and deception. But Free to serve our Father, and Love Brothers and Sisters. . . as it is Faith that allows freedom in God's Word and Life as Your Children. 

We Pray for your people can Know Jesus and trust in Your Love to lead others to your Love and Spirit. . . 

Wow, I had another powerful Prayerline call. Mary spoke about being called into this city to share the love of Jesus. She spoke of how people are selfish and lost in the lies of the machine, sugar, beer, football, and other deceptions of greed that control them with addictions. 

stay in your Truth and remain

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word! I am so grateful for having this experience with you. And I need to "ask questions and tell stories" and tell me more. . . explore and share in deeper experiences . . . 
We have prepared so much for you to do. And you have heard how this age concept doesn't need to apply for you. You can have a real wife and many more children in the future if this is where your love and heart is.

I know how this deeper truth is so important for me! I have been challenged so much and I still fall into fear. Yes no mortgage is scary, but I know this is temporary and is only a program than I share and participate in. A program that I need to put-away as something i'm not part of.
What is a basic responsibility is to stay part of this culture and participate and bring this whole experience forward. Everyone here is connected to this power and responsibility. You have power over the greed and control all around you. Sharing these deeper truths that you know will help others to grow and learn more and deeper than ever before.
I do try to make things work and move forward! And it is always a big challenge. But I've beat so many systems and controls. I've walked through walls all my life, and rarely understood any boundaries at all. There is nothing that gets in my way. I never have to get stuck in fear or anything.

What you have before you is so much more than you have ever seen before. It's not stepping back into things that are not who you are. It about moving forward with the rules and boundaries you have found and set for yourself. Being healthy and strong is only the starting point for everything else.
I have to stay in your Will and Spirit all the time. There is so much that I do and that I can do. I know that I need to stay in your Truth and remain in this power.
I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.