“Power without love is reckless and abusive, and love without power is sentimental and anemic. Power at its best is love implementing the demands of justice, and justice at its best is power correcting everything that stands against love.” ― Martin Luther King

Sunday, June 12, 2022

gourmet meal delivered to us

Wow what a powerful dream now. Very clear and very focused.

It started out with us coming into some event at USF. I was with Alan McCarthy and we were coming onto campus for some official event! It was clear that we were not part of the event, but I knew about it, so I wanted us to attend. It was like teams working together preparing a new program or something for the school. There are hundreds of people around, all with families, and their children, and everybody had an official tag; and it was also very clear that we did not have any tags.

But we got in anyway, because I knew how to get in the back door, as usual. So we were sitting in the grass area and there were people all around. And the big tidal wave came up. I saw it coming and got out of the way.  I just stepped inside, and I didn’t get wet, but a lot of other people got washed away and the other thing that was weird was I saw a plane coming down towards us. I thought it was a warplane and that we were going to be shot at. So I ran inside to avoid that, too. And when it blasted everybody they were all covered with confetti. Yes confetti, some kind of broadcast or a message sent out from some corporation.

That was weird they knew we were gonna get shot at. But what was even more weird, was a ton of confetti with some name on it, from some corporation or something. I went back outside and the place was covered with stuff. Of course, there are different events and places we were supposed to be throughout the day. For some reason, I remember very distinctly getting a gourmet meal delivered to us.

Then I also encouraged Alan to go into the different meetings. And of course he was out of place, but he still was very strong and very focused about getting information out of them. He wasn’t so much sharing but we were collecting data. Then I jumped into this one room, because I wanted to see what was going on.  It was actually a children’s performance, so I left it. It was actually a very small auditorium, but it was also small like a spaceship almost and we were sitting on bleachers all around it in a tight space. Clearly it was set up for children and I got out before it started because I realized it was just for kids. It was so weird.

I knew the whole point was about setting up the new year semester programs for this college so that’s why I was so strong about being there. But then also to see all the propaganda and pollution with people getting brainwashed by garbage everywhere. 

That’s really powerful. So I’m trying to sleep again.

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word! I’m not surprised about this powerful dream. And I know you wanted me to get back into my ritual and regular schedules of exercise, Mass, and all. I’ve been out of it for the week. I wasn’t comfortable with what I was doing, but had made the commitment. I’ve always tried to finish whatever I started. So I wonder about missing the Mangroves for a week and it’s about time to start building and setting up the church gardens. They are finally getting a pump, only a hand pump, but it’s enough to get started. 
What you have been experiencing is important still. Recognizing how the population is still focused on materialism, but also know and understand that it’s not healthy and is really a useless diversion. This is one of the many addictions created with the TV. Your experience and understanding is about how easy it is to direct and redirect people who live from sight above all else. The power you have relying on includes sounds and other vibrations is deeper and more true than the addictions people get caught in trusting their sight beyond all else.
I don’t understand what is the point for making this so clear to me. You state here again how I’m more focused on these deeper feelings and still have new lessons here. 
What happened was that you could resonate with everyone. You found it easy to connect and share with random people. You even turned around conflicts to your own benefit. Further, the experience and challenge is that you give up your power too fast. You do have all you need, and it’s very obvious that you are in a place of power and light. This makes it very clear and possible for you to move things a lot quicker than ever before considered.
I get it and I realize how I am approaching another time of clear strong freedom. Seem to be getting rental tenants who can pay all my bills so I am free to do more of what I really want to be doing instead of stressing about rooms and tenants or anything
We have tried  to make  it easier for you to get to your peace 
I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.

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