“Power without love is reckless and abusive, and love without power is sentimental and anemic. Power at its best is love implementing the demands of justice, and justice at its best is power correcting everything that stands against love.” ― Martin Luther King

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

industrial model of community control

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!
What you have been learning is a lot more than patients. You are also learning respect and to honor your experience and events before you. You have been able to speak about things at a much deeper level. You often feel like no one is listening, or no one understands but these deeper issues are very present and clear throughout your experience. Allowing them to flow is vitally important as you are able to carry things forward. This ability to move things forward is critical now more than ever.
I don't understand!
What you realized an accepted yesterday about your mother and what you have been able to carry forward for her is something that no one else will do, or be able to do until your break it forward. So much of the system is stuck behind misconceptions and false beliefs that interfere with the deeper truths that inhibit growth. If you are able to define these issues and express the deeper truths It will have a profound effect on many others and open the doors for significant changes!
We have been telling you for a long time that the important changes you will bring are much more than simple health issues. The deceptions surrounding health issues are very deep. it's easy to avoid them, since there is such a great need and desire to get help from others. Friends and family within a tribe was effective for centuries. To allow fundamentals of health to fall into the hands of greed and control changed everything. 
I know how the witch-hunts were about health and safety! Stopping the tribe effect of health to impose the industrial model of community control set out to limit all other systems. The impact of witch-hunts was parallel to the impact on the native indigenous traditions pressed into reservations and systems of community control beyond the family tribes that were so effective for millennia.  
What about being able to restore the Family Truth that comes with Spirit and experience with God. Tribes supporting their elders allowed for healing and growth. The Elders knew the techniques and experiences for keeping the family healthy and together. Today families rely on doctors and medicines created for profits not for healing. 
It's sad how we all know this. And we hear medical advertisements all the time, that even include disclaimer and the "fine-print" about how much goes wrong with medications. But still we allow our families and friends to take a list of pills. I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.

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