“Power without love is reckless and abusive, and love without power is sentimental and anemic. Power at its best is love implementing the demands of justice, and justice at its best is power correcting everything that stands against love.” ― Martin Luther King

Sunday, November 27, 2022

face-to-face encounters

each and every one of us has an important role to play in this process. We must expose their plans, goals, networks and battle strategies, and we do that by sharing what we know in whatever capacity we can, be it through social media posts, emails, texts, phone calls, face-to-face encounters, groups, clubs or at church. 

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word !
What has happened here is that you are preparing people to see and understand things they have been running from and hiding from. It’s about being real, and understanding these deeper things. Your stories about “Only Three Left” was something so very powerful and remarkable that no one could understand or relate. Again it was about being in the right place at the right time. This has been your life, and you procrastinate and wonder, always curious about what’s next, but are always in the “Right Place at the Right Time” anyway. You can not escape this, because you are central to this. You gave-up so much and are just starting to understand what your mother did for you to be ready here now . . .
I’m still perplexed about this!
What you did with your daughter was very successful. Your intention to keep her in Spirit was very strong and focused. You have found some of her writings confirming that you achieved this. You have been able to bring out Spirit very strongly in many people. This is something you are very good at. It’s not something to laugh about or question. You are doing what you need to do for now. It is all something you are doing in a new space and a new experience. When things shift this next year, you will be able to lead and instruct others to step into places and actions that are remarkable and prepared for you. Prepared by you. It’s really your own hand and working that has made so many things possible.
I feel you have so much more to say to me, and it’s more about my place and timing! I had a zoom call yesterday which also surprised me. It wasn’t really anything new, but clearly was about getting me out there teaching more again at a much higher level.
You have realized that you need to teach. Then you avoid many of the obvious and easy opportunities seeking something more structured. But then you do not create any structure, but act and engage completely randomly expecting the structure to form and support you. Yes we have played that role countless times. And you are always ready to step into it and play your part. We have always been impressed and pleased by this. Again now, you are doing the prayerline calls and can play an easy roll that allows you to lead and guide in very limited and simple terms. It always wears you out, and you are often ready to sleep or rest after these experiences.
I know, and I’m never sure about priorities, or engaging with others! It’s really weird as I seem to avoid more personal or intense things. It’s almost like I’m afraid to step-out or to get out too much more, but when getting a direct request to volunteer, I’m happy to. I did get a bunch more jobs to apply for and get into. But I’ve not started any yet, and know I still have a lot to do. It’s always so much for me, and seemingly so much further out of reach. That’s seems so crazy as I’ve always been in time with everything I needed and I know I can and do have everything I could ever need or want within reach and easy to do or get.
What you are prepared for and do each day all fits together as no one could ever understand. These elements that you are sharing are very focused and powerful, as you continue to trust and move forward in these things set before you.
I am never sure what that means and why I have so much to do all the time that I'm not sure about. Like now again I'm ready to fall asleep and how I have no fruit cut in my fridge for breakfast. I'm always so happy to eat fruit and yogurt in the morning. I have time to shop but would rather sleep.
What about student grades? Yes share more: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ehZFLMc9AXiG36nJgY_9atWRQvK-BS7b/view?usp=drivesdk
I know.
I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.

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