“Power without love is reckless and abusive, and love without power is sentimental and anemic. Power at its best is love implementing the demands of justice, and justice at its best is power correcting everything that stands against love.” ― Martin Luther King

Tuesday, December 20, 2022


For 40 years, nutritional therapist and quantum energy healer Mark Mincolla, Ph.D., has integrated ancient Chinese energy healing techniques with emerging nutritional science in what he calls Electromagnetic Muscle Testing, an approach that zeros in on each individual’s unique dietary needs. He has authored seven books, including The Wu Way, The Tao of Ch’i and Whole Health.

In his most recent work, The Way of Miracles: Accessing Your Superconsciousness—and an accompanying documentary film of the same title—he shares his experiences, documented research and exercises to cultivate our natural ability to heal and create miracles.

Yes I know you want me to do so much more and I am barely getting started.
It’s really a challenge to keep up sometimes, and I know it’s all about my own creations and my own power and desire that makes everything come together in such a way that everything works for You.

I was really surprised this last Sunday. This lady was dancing around and singing at the church. It was clear to me she needed help, or wanted something from me. But I left without saying a word to her. Course I forgot my moccasins that I always take off in church. When I went back inside, she was talking with one of the Father’s and I thought they had been working together already.

When I Spoke to her, I found she was annoying everyone, getting all manic about who she is, and how she could save all these children from Ukraine. Again the powerful high vibration frequency of love, desperate to get expressed. Turns out she has three children, who all clearly need a father. And then she has a husband in prison who is creating more and more problems for her and everyone else.

I shared a bit about my work with STARS and she replied she found the Saint Rafael that the St Raphael Catholic Church was missing. And she has since been very clear and focused about how we must be working together to move forward. Both saving children in Ukraine and doing more with the Churches, Gardens, and gospel here in St Pete.

This has really been a delight, and has inspired many deep conversations. Speaking at length about what I really need and who ideally I Am is where we have come to. Like creating the Luxury ABB seems like a obvious start. But competing with exclusive hotels is not my place, rather competing with the lies of the moffit cancer center. My goals in luxury retreats is not the dead paradigm of the bigger faster car, but the restoring truth and the meaning of health and love of community and family. 

My retreat is a family home, an urban farm to restore health and peace, not another big-box store selling the spoils of greed and materialism. The lies of the Matrix are obvious and recognized by many, but the viable solutions and applications are non-existent. Like I have no interaction with the public schools yet. 

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!
What you are doing now is stepping more into your responsibilities. The experience you had with your mother brought you into the space of knowledge deep into the systems. Walking through walls you were never intimidated to explore deeper allowing you to have this deep knowledge. Always at the right place at the right time.
I just flashed into the city where people moved with rubber tracks floating on water. Water everywhere was pumped and moved to bring health and nutrition to people. This endless irrigation system, sewer system, water systems provided the power for moving people, bringing the focus on cooperation and support in evolving systems. Not the greed separated controls we find everywhere. I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ. Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!
What you need to do is get busy, clearing the systems for making a new.
I know, i'm moving. . . I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.

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