It was designed and created by all of us. What happened now?I am always having really powerful experiences, where someone else was able to walk-by, see, feel, taste, witness and notice my very clear direct experiences with God. It’s really remarkable to me, just connected to nature. Like this morning the SUN was so powerful, it was vibrating through me: It was peaceful and beautiful as usual. And the radio was preaching in tune with me. That is always so powerful to experience with my work and routine, each word I hear, vibrates into repeated images and ideas of God's Grace experienced that moment. I always share this radio station live here for you now, because I KNOW it is more about my vibration than anything. It really doesn’t matter what they preach or what the music is. It’s always in JOY with the Perspective of Jesus, which is ideal, and keeping it in Jesus, keeps you connected to me. It makes this vibration i share real for you, because if you click this link and listen for this moment reading this word on this paper, YOU CONNECT, instantly. I know its really some ancient Yoga about sounds of Truth, NOW connecting Heaven and Earth, at some deep metaphysical level here and now, that I can barely understand, or can barely describe at all to you in these written words.
What you need to know is that no one else is doing this as you are. The birds, and feathers, and regalia that you bring into form are also very critical to making this vibration higher and stronger for everyone. You can feel how everyone who comes by feels your resonance. You also notice how every dog stops and wants to visit. You’ve seen young children look over, and seek to get closer. You’ve loved how the birds come and all the beauty of this experience. Each time you struggle to stay focused, you see the SunLight Flowing deep into your body and down into Earth. You feel your chakra’s spin and the Light moves, knowing how this vibration creates deeper stronger harmonies.
Now it’s about following through. You know you can heal anyone or anything. Each new element is already created and designed to bring you through. Stepping into it is happening more and more, holy forever. If you have been forgiven, sing this song forever and amen. And. The Angels cried, Holy, you were living holy forever.I was so surprised as I took this pic of my feet as the Sun opened up more. I knew it was a Live Apple Pic, so clicked and held to see what happened with the moments of the time-lapse. It was so weird as i saw this flash around me as clipped below!
Like the light of this moment got caught onto me and spun around me like I feel through my chakra’s, but here it was on my skin around my images is this light flashing in the sun for this very unique special moment that I had and shared for an instant.
What about the ACTIONS you are always calling for. You know there is so much more that needs to come forward here and it’s so much stronger and real for you. This experience you share in writing is a tiny reflection and you are so clear about so much more power and focus available for you.I know its about gardens and kids and restoring our connection to Earth to love and grow and share more as we can each and every day