“Power without love is reckless and abusive, and love without power is sentimental and anemic. Power at its best is love implementing the demands of justice, and justice at its best is power correcting everything that stands against love.” ― Martin Luther King

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Examin to stay connected always

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!

Ok, I confess this is kinda weird. I opened my blog and have this page to edit. I couldn't find it, and don't know if I published this text before or not. You see, writing all the time, means I will always have fragments here and there. I start writing while waiting in some office and never look again at the book until I'm waiting again somewhere and I open my old book again and pick up where I left off.
Maybe this is all about teaching you to wait and be patient: What do you think of that?? 
I guess so, I trust you Jesus, and you always say what you would have me do. I know I’ve prayed “Please lend Your Strength, Love, & Wisdom,”  since 1982 and that you have guided me and directed me to this place and time for Your Glory. And I realize there is so much that has come through to me that maybe I've asked for too much . . . . 
Maybe this is all about you accepting this strength you now have, in both knowledge and wisdom as you have been praying for these over and over for decades. Now you can teach and share all you have learned and grown from here in St Pete and at Saint Raphael’s Catholic Church. 
did have a strong Exodus 90 reading this morning: 
Justice and Truth, Isaiah 32:1-5; 16-18 Yet, the reflections centered on how people have been caught between noble desires for justice and truth and fallen human tendencies toward injustice and lying. The whole art of politics has grown out of a concern for justice. Our many philosophical and scientific traditions have developed as attempts to pursue and disseminate truth. These activities show the ordering God has placed in us; we cannot escape our God-given orientation to truth and justice. However, we all know how imperfectly these ideals are practiced. Not only in politics, but in business, in sport, in family life, in friendship, much of life is soured by the plagues of lies and injustice.

He will change our inner being and make us fully just, and he will heal our minds so that we can attain to all truth. He will order all things rightly. Think of what this will mean for ourselves, for those we love, and for the whole human race. Today, O Wisdom of our God Most High, guiding creation with power and love: come to teach us the path of knowledge!
It was followed by the Charles podcast and then this Marian Consecration, Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ
And then the 33 Days of Glory readings on Mother Teresa — when we need Jesus’s Holy Spirit of Love, the Mary Immaculate brings him to us. Let us pray, “Mary, lend us your Heart. Bring us the Holy Spirit. Pray that our hardened hearts would burn with love for Jesus. Help set our hearts on fire with love for him.” The second prayer is “Keep me in your most pure heart.” 

Or, stated more fully, one prays, “Immaculate Heart of Mary, keep me in your most pure heart, so that I may please Jesus through you, in you, and with you.” This part of Mother Teresa’s consecration to Mary is the most profound. She’s not just asking for Mary’s heart to be in her, but for her to be in Mary’s heart! So, this is a prayer to love Jesus through Mary, in Mary, and with Mary. This is something more than simply having Mary lend us her heart. To understand and live it requires a loving dependence and profound union with Mary. The day after tomorrow, we’ll cover what this means and how we get there. Tomorrow, we’ll learn more about Mary’s attitude of heart. Today’s Prayer: Come, Holy Spirit, Living in Mary. Keep me in her most pure and Immaculate Heart..
I get this with how I've always been connected to “Mom,” and my love of women, and nature, animals, the river and woods; which all feels like the love of creation and life and God! Magnificat! Indeed, I have praised and thanked God in all things, because I have found God in all things and pondered deeply in my heart his many signs of love, blessings, and opportunities to share and be in the blessing of God. Doing the daily examination of conscience (“examen”), whereby one reviews the day, at the end of the day, in the presence of the Lord, reflecting on the blessings of the day, recognizing the good things God is doing in our lives and how we are responding to his love. It’s an imitation of Mary’s attitude of heart-pondering prayer.  Luke 2:19, 51
 . . . Where Mary kept all these things in her heart and thought about them often.Then he returned to Nazareth with them and was obedient to them. And his mother stored all these things in her heart.
What surprises you now?? 
Let us pray, “Mary, lend us your Heart. Bring us the Holy Spirit. U Pray that our hearts burn with love for Jesus. Help set our hearts on fire with love for Jesus.”
What can you edit out of this next piece you cut?  
In the Shadow of Our Lady. The examination of conscience (also called “examen”) should be made sometime toward the end of the day. Most people make it shortly before going to bed. It’s basically a mental review of the previous 16 hours or so of consciousness — thus, some people prefer to call the examination of conscience, an examination of “consciousness.” To make the examen, first, we should put ourselves in the presence of God. In other words, we should begin with the attitude that the examen is a time of prayer, not just a mental exercise. 

Devoutly making the Sign of the Cross may be enough to do this. 

Next, we just have to remember one word: baker, B-A-K-E-R, baker. Actually, we also have to remember what each letter of this word stands for. Let’s start with “B.” B stands for “blessings.” According to St. Ignatius, this is the most important of the five points. Here we simply review our day, survey the many blessings God has given us throughout it, and then praise and thank him for these blessings. For instance, maybe we had a great conversation with someone at lunch. During the examen, we might want to reflect on that gift and praise and thank God for it. Of course, we don’t have to go through every single blessing of the day. That would take way too much time. The key is to let one’s heart roam about and settle on the particular peaks of joy and blessing of the day, what Ignatius calls “consolation.” 

One more thing: We shouldn’t forget to thank God for the crosses of the day, which are also blessings. If we get into the habit of praising and thanking God like this every day during our examen, then we’ll begin to better recognize the blessings of our day as they happen, and thus, we’ll develop a continual attitude of gratitude. In other words, our praise and thanks won’t begin to flow simply when we make our examen — it’ll flow all day long. Furthermore, as God sees our efforts to recognize and thank him for his many gifts, he’ll send us more and more. A stands for “Ask.” Although we already placed ourselves in the presence of God when we began the examen, here we need to ask for a special grace from the Holy Spirit, the grace to recognize our sins. Without the help of the Holy Spirit, we’ll remain blind to our sinfulness. 

Thus, when we get to this second point, we need to ask the Holy Spirit to help us recognize our sinfulness, which brings us to the next point. K stands for “Kill.” Why “kill”? Because it was our sins that killed and crucified Jesus. During this third point, we look at our sinfulness (weaknesses` and attachments, too). So, again, we gaze across the conscious hours of our day. This time, however, we look not for peaks but valleys, what Ignatius calls “desolation.” In other words, we pay attention to those times during our day when our hearts dropped. Why might they have dropped? Maybe because of someone else’s sin. Maybe someone said something unkind to us.

Fine. Did we forgive them? If so, good. If not, well, the examen is a good time to deal with it. Now, let’s keep looking. Here’s another time our hearts dropped. It was this afternoon at work, standing by the water cooler. Hmmm. Why did our hearts drop then? Ah, yes (thanks, Holy Spirit), that’s when we stuck Bob with a verbal barb. Let’s see, anything else? Yes, there’s another heart dropper: We didn’t accept the traffic jam on our way home as a small sharing in the Cross. We should have been more peaceful about it and offered it up as a prayer for others. Okay, so after remembering all those heart-dropping moments, we may feel pretty down. Such a feeling may make us want to run away from Jesus. Let’s not. When the weight of our sinfulness drags us down, that’s the best time to go to Jesus, sinfulness and all — which brings us to the next point. E stands for “embrace.” This is to allow Jesus to embrace us, sinners that we are, with the rays of his merciful love. 

While praying over this point, it may be helpful to think of the Image of Divine Mercy. I like to imagine the rays of this image embracing me with forgiveness. I also like to remember Jesus’ words that it rests his Heart to forgive and that when I go to him with my sinfulness, I give him the joy of being my Savior. I believe that at this point of the examen, we greatly console Jesus when we simply let him embrace us with his merciful love — and of course, we, too, are consoled. I recommend spending some time lingering on this point (in the embrace) before moving on to the next. R stands for “Resolution.” During this last point of the examen, we take what we’ve learned from the previous points and look ahead to the next day, ready to make resolutions. 

For instance, having recognized during “K” that we stuck Bob with a verbal barb at the office today, we might resolve that tomorrow morning we’ll make it up to him by going to his cubicle, slapping him on the back, and congratulating him on how his football team did earlier this evening. Also, having remembered that we were impatient during the traffic jam today, we can resolve to bite our tongues if the sea of brake lights appears again tomorrow. Finally, because during “B” we realized that God was speaking to us during our lunchtime conversation with Sally, giving light on a certain problem, we can resolve to act on that light by looking up the online article she recommended. (I think we get the idea.) 75 Come Be My Light, p. 31. 76 Scott Hahn, A Father Who Keeps His Promises: God’s Covenant Love in Scripture (Ann Arbor, MI: Servant Publications, 1998), p. 26.
7:32:25 12/22/2024 And again you are carefully listening and even stopped to ask when leaving your truck. You grabbed the red pen and book and then went and sat in the sunshine to pray, exactly as we lead you. Yes, this time you sat inside the church and you have this picture before you with all this technology that is for you. 
You already have the prayer that you read in an art sitting on your desk at home. This window, you see it’s in your iPhone already too with the CCW picture book of. 
Thank you for listening now to write this and again learn how and what to post like with Bishop Barron on Facebook this new insight and experience with us now has prepared you for Worldwide web….
7:32:25 12/22/2024.  And again you carefully listened and even stopped to ask us what you needed, when leaving your truck. Grabbed the Red Pen and Book then went and sat in the sunshine to PRAY. Yes, this time you sat inside the church and have this picture before you as this technology is for you. 
You  almost stopped to get your cell phone, and almost went back from the narthex when you saw the prayers. You already have the prayer you read, it is sitting on your desk at home. Just like this window before you now, you already have in your iPhone with a CCW picture book of Saint Raphael Catholic Church history.

Thank you for listening! 

Now to write this and learn how and what to post to Barron Bishop on Facebook. This new insight and experience with us now has prepared you for the World Wide Web.


And I know it’s all about doing for you Jesus. I realize now how I bundled up for my bike ride and then drove my truck instead. I had decided to go to the Amish store after church and found a hose rack for the garden there. Wednesday I helped with the garden class and brought a hose for them and a bunch of oregano, tools, and such.  I didn’t take control of the class and just went along, but maybe I should have.

It’s important for you to watch and learn. She has a lot of steak already, and your place and responsibility will become obvious in time. Like with St Pete College, watch and listen, stepping in stronger will become easier and more obvious. It’s important for us all that you write and share more, each day you learn and experience so much more.

8:52:12 12/22/3024

Wow, the church was packed and I sat in the corner with the sunshine to look out my window. Dozens of people to greet, but only quit quick high. Do you need help with the Sason. She’s the lady that set up the service and all before the church, I almost went up and lit the candles, but you said the young girl servers would do it. So I stayed in the sunshine writing. Like now, I stayed on my knees until everyone left Then got out my pen and book again. Joe from welcome came over just now and TODD waved as he walked by. What was weird and powerful was the sunshine through the window and then this hot young babe in my line of sight to the window.

9:02:01AM, 12/22/24 

Yes, long blonde hair with skin tight yoga shorts on, damn really hot and sexy. So I admitted last week with the gardens I checked Kim online and was expecting for crazy and anticipation. Then she showed up in yoga pants, but Cleary was a lot older and bigger than his little girl alone in church she got up to leave as I walked up for the bread wow, a really pretty young girl. But I talked with Kim and she has dark red hair, which is long too. I did ask him to coffee and even suggested I had work for her. I’m clear that was the wrong move. She borrowed my hat on Wednesday and then dropped it into my truck so she saw my big dirty truck.

9:09:00am 12/22/24

Of course she has a brand new Mercedes like Lesley another white SUV.  Oh, and I was in a box T-shirt, my leather, hiking boots and a sun hat. She commented on the hat concerned about the sun, so I gave it to her and then grabbed another for my truck.


Well, so I watered the garden and rolled up the hose. The bells rang for the next service in church. The church was full again. When I was son in my face and Deacon, Jim is talking about Mary “escape to visit Elizabeth.”  lol, nope sorry, Jesus told her to visit Elizabeth, living in love and joy, no worries, no fears, moving forward and trusting in God.


Deacon Jim is speaking of hope, hoping Hope is knowing God is walking with us Mary Holy Spirit. Jesus God is with us Emmanuel blessed are you touched by God‘s favor!

Well, all have that, all are touched by God‘s favor. The Jubilee year of Hope, focus on forgiveness and reconciliation, all touched by God‘s favor. All prophets focused on Hope, all apostles focused on Hope, like Mary and Elizabeth sharing with others how we are all touched by God.

4:25:05am 12/27/24

I sent a note to Matt once again seeing how SPS is fraudulent. I’m reviewing stuff for seal. I’m listening to the last meeting with Dick Alexander. The synchronicity of keeping in Christ to live intentionally in Christ.

5:37am 12/30/24

Purpose of life for all persons to be saved with a true knowledge of Christ. Where Jesus died to resolve all the sins of the world, John 3:16, to bring eternal life. All saved with the knowledge of the truth of God. Saved by grace not works. Provided by God as we all sin Jesus was ransom for many to be saved.

5:38:46pm 12/30/24

I’m always seeking works for my fulfillment. Fixing cleaning cooking and planning so much I need to do, and still I waste time with digital apps. I’m ready to sleep as the sun has already started going down..

7:52:32am 1/3/2025

This is the first time to write in my paper book for the new year (now transcribed here). I Blogged a bit challenge with my son and “loss.” It’s not been my own loss or not so much, but I fear for my son because he refuses to listen or understand.

Yes, I am anxious about my son and my house still. I did get another notice about my house. It was another computer, print out, not really accurate for me at all, as usual. So it’s more obvious than ever that they are fraudulent, the servicer can’t hold a mortgage, nor can they refinance it. So it feels like the same scam again. 

7:53:04am 1/4/2025

I’m in church already. Five hours of sleep maybe. Last time I saw was after 10 PM after Chosen season 4:4,5 then 3:40am in the morning. It was wonderful because I called the Prayerline to get a prayer for Christopher and the usf job. The prayer volunteer was in South Carolina but admitted to a semester at usf. We really had a wonderful chat. When he got to read the Bible verse for my prayers, I asked if I could record the conversation and he was cool about it. I’ve already listened to the conversation once, and then shared it across the godly men list that I started.

I need to make happy Easter cards, to praise the resurrection.

8:33:20am I’m at the morning mass to honor Saint Elizabeth from New York the first USA. We have just all been invited to breakfast and Caverly Hall. Yes it’s the CCW women’s group invited everyone.

10:43:47am Now I’m sitting at the Saturday Morning Market in the sunshine, listening to a band. At breakfast I had a cup of coffee and some grapes. This speaker was the new principal yeah the school principal who got my résumé and application. He has he was a terrible speaker and kinda hard to hear and understand, but his story was great. It was all about Jesus. I stayed for an hour and then Biked to this market.

12:34:20pm of course I got up to help someone move a chair and someone took my chair. It was weird. I tried to find another without any luck so I walked around a bit more bought some plants and left. Lesley invited me to dinner with her so I decided not to have any food at the market. . .

6:16 AM Monday, January 6, 2025.
It’s yours it’s yours… father let your kingdom come. Here, let your will be done, right here in my heart, my father in heaven, I would be by your name, my king come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven give us our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us with the kingdom of power and the glory forever. 
What.. It’s yours it’s yours, The kingdoms are yours, Forever and ever, Yours, There, The kingdom is yours. The glory yours. All yours. Father … you said it we believe it, as your a man of your word. You keep your promises, you said it, we believe it… 
Everything unfolds for me like magic. I know, and I have this confidence, God you have never failed, and the whole universe unfolds as the Earth is moving with The heart filled with hope, that I am finding my place in this world. More and more coming into appeal. And suddenly I see
What do you see?
It all I guess. And everyone is given a different grace. This means we may all be doing something different. Find a spiritual friend, a spiritual director is great. The fulfillment of all Desire by Ralph Martin. Starting prayer formation class every Thursday
I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.

Sunday, December 15, 2024

105 SEEL moved out

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!

I'm so grateful to have this experience. I'm always so surprised by my opportunities and everything that happens to me each day. I'm listening to Fr. Gaitley speaking about his book the 33 Days to Morning Glory. Yea, I'm at Lisette's now where our group is deep into this book. I just got an invite to lunch with Dr Jim, so I am really surprised and exited about it all. And how Mary has been so strong and focused to bring us to Christ. And we can't plan things like this . . . 
That’s What we have shared with you all the time. Accepting this gift we have for you. The cross you bear is more than you can write or share, and again you recognize how you can bring more light to those.
Now the word before me is so strong and focused. I'm really challenged to know and share what is before me, as so much is here. You are always putting so much before me. I wonder about how I can honor all you share. And I guess speaking of this truth and passion is beautiful.
What else did you do?
I started with morning mass, and then visited with Lisette, when I started this page. Then lunch with Jim was cool. Getting to know each more and speaking about church and our own growth. I told him about my experience with Dick in the morning. We both know Dick and share our growth and learning with him, so it was easy for us to speak about our own growth and challenges.
God Created to have a relationship. Our only purpose in life is to have a relationship. . . . the poisons and deceptions of toDAY are satan's work to get rid of all who can not Prayerfully translate this Purpose of Life into the Principle and Foundation to concretely praise, love, and serve God! What activities help you achieve this end?
I see my primary task now in serving God is to write and share as much as possible. I have recognized this task before me for a really long time. It's interesting as it has come and gone as a priority. Children, wife and work have taken their place here over and over again. Now in my silence and privacy I have witnessed how much more important it has become for me to write and share. The discourse about Principle and Foundation speaks of "indifference" to health & sickness, wealth & poverty. I agree to being indifferent to the events of life, while being responsible for the gifts I have from God, really must include conscious choices to eat and work as necessary to sustain my good health and wealth. It would be disrespectful and disingenuous to become a glutton exploiting my health and wealth.

I readily accept what comes before me and honor everyone I meet, without priority or with indifference, but respect and acceptance. This can often be a challenge and I've been as focused as possible to do as best as I can. I know I've still not turned-on my server or have I explored other means of sharing and publishing. I wonder now if I have accepted what is easiest for me and not pushed into new areas as much as I should. I have been trying to do more at church and realize my own limitations.
What we are waiting for is the power and focus you are really capable of. You act and feel as a child so easily and have the ability to play into that. This truth and experience you carry and share is important. 
I get it and I stay in Your Word throughout my day! 5:57:57 12/14/2024 Like today the Exodus reading was clear and focused: 
During his time among us, Jesus was very active and involved, full of wise words and good works, healing, initiating apostolic action, and carefully training his disciples. He loved the world deeply despite its corruption. However, he always viewed this world in light of where it was heading; his gaze was set on, “the new world, when the Son of man shall sit on his glorious throne” (Matthew 19:28). The throne Jesus speaks about is a symbol for the divine rule of God, that blessed time when everything on earth will conform to God’s will, and all death, sin, fear, and injustice will be banished.

Let us remember our true hope in God’s coming kingdom and ask God for a full measure of the joy that filled the heart of Christ, “who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross” (Hebrews 12:2).

God is coming to save you, renewing the wilderness of your heart.
I have this Word with me daily!  My “in the woods” wildness seems to be where I belong most of all. As you just said wanting me to be as the child again.

A few weeks ago when the crew were picking up all the brush outside from the hurricanes, I went and pulled out a big steel BBQ pit that my neighbor had out in his pile. Yes, that couldn't go with all the brush.  It’s been out at the curb ever since. So today I went and measured it and then moved it to my tent space by my container. It was the right size to rebuild my composting corner to allow my mixer and all to work with the big old bath tub I had there.

Yes, creativity and talents recycling trash to make something work better. You see I got a big bunch of veggies this morning, I started my turkey soup and made my root veggie salad, and filled my sink with beautiful compost fixings. Yes, I have my steel mixer and drum the welder made for me, but that is great for mixing soil not chopping compost. So now with the steel BBQ pit holding up the steel bathtub, I can use my steel mixer to chop up stuff to put in to the plastic compost bin. I have three of the plastic city compost bins. I'm sure neighbors threw them in the trash. So now my new compost set-up is ready to rock and roll. 

So I swallow my pride, and pickup trash to build another widget. My yard, house, and life is filled with them. I was thrilled at the farmers market today. Eva has dozens of plants out for sale now, and there is more and more yummy organics everywhere. It felt like home, even the music got me jamming a bit. I always feel like there is so much coming together here for me. Yesterday I went to pick-up a truck load of brush and as I drove out to venician isles I could see so much of the area had flooded. There were no sidewalks and I kept "seeing" the moving sidewalks taking all the flood waters away. 

When loading the truck with Dr. Jim we even spoke about it and Addys said how her daughter was doing patent reviews. What? It was really inspiring to see my one contact with Dr Jim and Lisette would be with someone who needed and could understand some of my junk with Jesus. I've always wondered why I did certain things. Like rebuilding my compost seemed so far out there. And I guess not really, as I've done so many other things that just "showed-up" and walked through the process before me with complete indifference.
We have been doing this with you for a long time. Your ability to listen and follow is very significant. As you never required an angel or a burning bush. You have stepped into so much just naturally, trusting what was before you and allowing things to happen fearlessly. . 
I guess I have followed the Word most of my life! And of course I've been districted and confused plenty of times too. But I've seen over and over again that I always end up in the right place at the right time. It often happens that I'm totally clueless, and even scared or insecure about my next steps or place in the mix. But somehow I'm always getting ahead or doing something that seemingly no one else can do?!?

I do feel like I am being followed or watched all the time! And equally protected as well. I wanted to get my server on this weekend, but then discovered another website much the same as my own, sharing and disclosing something for everyone to learn and understand. I then realized there really are several that I know and reference often. So maybe my place and purpose here with this is something else.

This too has happened countless times. Where I work and focus on one thing and then discover it really is nothing about what I thought. Like I feel I've not done what I need to do but in fact my delay or distraction was critically important to allow me to be in the right place at the right time for something completely different than I was anticipating. Like now again, I'm really not convinced that I have any idea why I came to St. Pete in the first place. I feel I am in the right place all the time but still really have no clue. This morning, I realized it was only 10 days until Christmas and felt this time alone would be wonderful for me to get ready for whatever could be next.

I really have only met some women who seem spiritually free, like my mom and Joyce. Joyce was really a second mom for me. . . And they both recognized something in me, that I 'm still tying to understand. Then no one I ever met seemed to have more spiritual freedom than I do.  It doesn't always feel like a gift as I've been in St. Pete for 5 full years, and I still wonder what I'm here for. It seems clear I belong here, as I've been gifted and graced all that need, whenever I need it. And the real chaos has only been a concern when I tried to do something or plan something on my own. I am in chaos whenever I get impatient and anxious about where I am and what I need to do or not  do.
Maybe this is all about teaching you to wait and be patient: What do you think of that?? 
I  don’t know? I trust you Jesus, say what you would have me do, guide me and direct me to achieve as you require of me. .

I  do have my Exodus 90 Why Statement that I've updated and see most every day: To slowly listen and love God in joy, gratitude and Peace! 

I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Yes, chanting “I love You Lord Jesus, Thank You Lord Jesus.”

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word! I’m so very grateful for every moment we can share.

Wow Spent the day cleaning up and getting ready for Thanksgiving 5:43:52pm 11/27/23 now and the sun is going down and I’m ready to sleep! So when I FLASHED to a new house when this day started, I saw the bunk room filled the college students. Fearlessly challenged with projects and goals All around them! It was a professional boot camp, they had only what they came with and a list of chores. Each chore opened more opportunities and responsibilities. It was all real, all Truth, everything there for them to see and understand . . . Very specific rules, and tools too. But only serious professionals. I had scheduled 6 too, one even got a discount toe arrive early to clean and organize more. Then two were coming to work on the computers, two more to work in the gardens the another to sell things created from the others. 

Of course, all six would have access to bikes and kayaks, and planning to go plant mangroves at the beach. Then I wanted to get another class setup focused on mangroves, growing and transplanting. Having a full class focused here would be wonderful and getting everyone out to the beach for a special event is also very feasible. As usual, whenever I get a FLASH it’s like a snapshot where I peak behind the curtain. But then when I remember it, everything shifts and evolves with my focus. I can look at the corner and the image evolves into a motion picture. Sometimes I see what it for and what’s happening there, other times I see how it got there or a precursor. But always some new expanded images and feelings develop 

Suddenly the professor opening doors for the interns and everyone could see the great benefits and opportunities with all the gardens, tools, computers, and pieces all finding there perfect use.
I know I still hear Your Word, and need to make the beds, sort the sheets, vacuum, mop, and write of these wonderful experiences that You share with me more and more every moment… “Lord nothing is better than You, Lord there’s nothing better than You, nothing better than you.” Loving this moment with You.

6:07:28 11/27/2024
Numbers, numbers, numbers, and I’m going to Pray now.
We have been ready to step into this a lot more than you can understand.
I know and realize to Pray I know God has overcome all Fear. It’s remarkable how I get so much placed before me all the time. 

9:14:36 11/29/2024
Wow flash flash flash. . . Every where I look I see more!

What did you learn, or see today
I got up to Pray, thinking I was going to do the morning sunrise at the beach. I was up late last night cleaning up the last in the kitchen and putting alway all the food.  Then I heard Charles Stanley and realized I was running late already. But then also heard the morning rainfall. Wow, it’s so beautiful to hear the rain over my head, the pitter-patter droplets in the yard and outside the windows. Yes, a bunch of windows open upstairs, I love this house to much it’s always so comfortable.

Then Exodus was right on target with me too.
 Why don’t you start with that one.
I got to Pray more about this.
What you are doing now is technically called PRAYER! Prayer is about communication:
I related to be the responsible steward, but death or not is really not relevant at all for me. . . 
Exodus 90 Day of Remembrance
Matthew 25:14-30 If we desire a happy death, we must strive to be good stewards of our possessions so that we may not squander the graces God gives us. St. Joseph is the patron saint of a happy death because he died in the friendship and presence of Jesus and the Blessed Virgin Mary. A happy death does not necessarily mean dying without suffering but dying in the state of sanctifying grace, having received the sacraments. St. Joseph is an example of how all our possessions and work should be ordered toward God. He shows us what it means to work with Jesus in the hiddenness of life. He is a witness of holy detachment, changing his plans and leaving material possessions when God asked him to flee to Egypt with Mary and Jesus. He was able to die happily because he lived a holy and responsible life. We turn to St. Joseph’s intercession as we seek to remain in God’s friendship throughout our lives.

Let’s pray today about how we employ our possessions, finances, and the talents the Lord has given us. Have we used them responsibly for the physical and spiritual well-being of those under our care and in need? Is there anything we would be ashamed to explain to the Lord when we are called to give an account? Entrust everything to God today, placing yourself, family, and possessions in his care.
 What about the others 
First Corinthians 15, thanks be to God for bring me through this challenge before me. . . Like Paul persecutions thanks be to God . . . Colasicans 2: Therefore as you recieved Christ Jesus . . Overflowing with Gratitude. . . to Pray First Thessolosions 5;17 . . . A Thankful heart helps in three ways, First in thankful means I’m walking in His Presence and makes to day Joyful. . . It also inspires us to look for God’s Purpose in everything! Thanksful Heart helps me bring my will submitting to God’s Will, whether we understand or not. . . . God always has a purpose with everything. Growing and learning through these impacts. Heart full of thankfulness keeps us focused on the truth instead of the BS of our Culture. This is also important to be trusting through things in thanks instead of worry and suffers. THANK YOU GOD, through all these challenges and suffering. I don’t like this, but I’m thankful to God this moment. Thankful Heart drives out other emotions to be at Peace and Joy.

Focus on God, Thankful heart for these experience and brings peace and energy through things. . . Thankfulness is happy, healthy, into a better Life with Jesus!

This was so wonderful to hear after my day yesterday with Thanksgiving. I got up at dawn and the morning was foggy and cloudy. When I hit 22nd Ave N, I was empty and cloudy too. I knew I had to race down there since I only had 5 minutes before the sunrise. As I got to Coffeepot 

This is Charles Stanley today: When I think about all the things that God does for me every single day, he's the one who keeps my heart beating. He plays within my subconscious mind. 
This awesome, how He is inside of us, keeps the heart beaten, the blood flowing, the eye seeing and the ear hearing and the movements and all the things. Everything God has made is awesome, the fantastic body of ours and at top all that, everything opens up to be saved and have him living on the inside of us with the promise of heaven, the promise of our presence, promise of all the needs being met, and our prayers being answered!

Wow, what kind of God is that? He is a god for which you and I should be absolutely eternally grateful, and so when the scripture says in our passage here, and this psalm, “shout joyfully to the Lord all the earth,” seek the Lord with gladness, come before with joyful singing, Honor the Lord himself, he's God! In other words, when people drag into the church there's something wrong. When you think about coming into the Lord's house, with all this fantastic music and singing and praising the Lord God, our gratitude and thanksgiving spills over into our music and and the way we try to sing. 

Then of course, in our prayers, look if you will, and you know this part probably by heart, in Philippians 4:6, notice when he's talking about prayer and anxiety and so forth. 
Listen to what he says in this fourth chapter in the sixth verse. He says, don't be anxious eat anything, but in everything, by prayer, supplication, with thanksgiving, let your request be made known to God. That is, thanksgiving should be a part of our prayer life. 

Then I think about the spiritual battles that you and I deal with every day. Look if you will in prorin in the 15th chapter, and as he's been talking about the resurrection, and then if you'll notice, as he comes and speaks about death and death has lost its sting and here's what he says. He's his oh death, where is your victory? 
Death where is your sting? The sting of death is sin, the power of sin is the law, but thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ that is in our spiritual battle as we all have them. We should listen, we should be expressing gratitude. Thank you God that in your wisdom you allowed me to be tested like this, thank you God that you're in this with me.

And somebody says, well, I know the Bible says that in everything give thanks, but certainly he couldn't mean everything. 
Yes, he does. Somebody says, well, how could he mean everything? So let's take the Apostle Paul, who is being stoned to death and Lystra and they left him for dead, thought they'd wiped him out. 
And what happens? This is the Paul who says in everything give thanks, so this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. In other words, how could he give thanks? 
I can see how Paul would be given thanks. He'd be giving thanks first of all that he was counted worthy to be persecuted for Jesus sake. 
He would be thanking God that he knew the truth, thanking God for the awesome testimony he was having by being persecuted by those who were watching because Paul knew the impact of the death of Stephen when he stood, kept the close, watched Stephen stoned to death a kind of impact that it was having. 

The truth is, every spiritual battle you and I can have. Listen, everything that comes our way, if we listen, we can express gratitude to God. The way we look at it, I'm gonna show in a few moments, the kind of impact that kind of heart has in every aspect of our life. 
When I think about how that works in a person's life and for example, in looking at Colossians 2 for a moment, and this is just daily living. I mean, this is just living day after day, some days in our lives and not all that as much as exciting as some others, but listen to what he says. He says, therefore, as you have received Christ Jesus, the Lord, so walk in him, that is, our daily walk should be in our relationship to him, having been firmly rooted and now built up in him and established in your faith, just as you were instructed and overflowing with gratitude. 

That is, our daily life should be a life of thanksgiving, of giving thanks to him, with a thankful heart, a thankful heart is going to express itself in different ways, 

first desk lawions first, chapter five, 17th verse is fifth chapter of of a first test lawions, 
theasians chapter 5 verse 20, e 
  1. First it motivates me to launch him of a godly life. A thankful heart is a motivation to godliness. 
I amm aware that I'm walking in his presence, no matter what else is going on. 
  2. Second way it impacts us is this, and that is it motivates us to want to look for his purpose in our life in situations and circumstances. And all of our circumstances, you can be the most committed Christian there is, and they're gonna be difficulties, they're gonna be hardships, trials, tests, you name it, temptations. 
They're gonna be there. But if my heart is a heart of gratitude and Thanksgiving to God, what's gonna happen? I'm gonna be looking for a purpose and everything that happens. 
  3. Third thing it's gonna help me bring my will in the submission to his will when it's things I don't understand. 
And there situations and circumstances, I don't understand. I don't understand why God allows certain things to happen. 
He always has a purpose, and it affects people that you and I will never know. You and I go through circumstances, difficultness and hardships, people see, they watch, they carefully observe how we respond and what happens. It impacts them either for good or not so good. 
Then, of course, it reminds us of our continuance dependence upon him. You see, our person who is genuinely thankful isn't prideeful and cocky and arrogant. 

The truth is life is all about Jesus. 
Life's all about God, the Father, and as we said in the very beginning, in all these things that we mention, these blessings, these things we have reason to be grateful for, this is what he's doing, not what we are doing. And the truth is, if my heart is a genuinely thankful. The truth is we are all saintless we all have been sinners save by the grace of God. We've been made saints. 
We all have his inheritance, and we have been adopted into the kingdom of God and narrow part of his family. 

I don't feel like it, God. 
I don't like any of this. I can’t change it, so I just wanna thank you in any way. I just wanna praise you and thank you for what I'm going through because you're allowing it to happen, you're trusting me with it. 
You've got something in mind, I don't understand. I'm still telling you God I don't like you, but I'm telling you, Lord, that I'm grateful. 

Then I think about the kind of witness we have. Is it not true that when you and I go through difficulty and things are really tough and your friends know it and other people know it, and they see how you respond and they see you with the heart of joy, no matter what, and you're able to say, you know what? I don't really like this. 
This is very painful. but I'm thankful to God.
About time you got back to this work that you have been real about.
4:15:26 12/6/2024 I need to Pray more. It has become very clear now much more work I need to do. I’ve been focused on the work before me, and I know this has evolved greatly. I am seeing more work every day. Again and again I’ve been seeing how much I need to get online. I seem to be directed to make my recipes public and now watching a movie about how much diet is more important than anything: https://youtu.be/mZGs0XsS_lI?t=4471 food choices we make have profound global effects.
What have you been feeling?
It’s interesting to see this question now. I have been feeling more and more focus on publishing everything. I mean everything I have studied and researched has come into my immediate circumstances. I seem to meet focused conscious people everyday. This comes through to me more and more all the time.  I realize I have so much to do. And I see opportunities to share each day, and know I’m in the right place at the right time again. It’s really kinda weird as I keep seeing “the Writing on the Wall” about major changes and shifts everywhere.
We have been setting this right for you, trust and move into things as it is. 
I to Pray I can get this done the right way. . . Thank You Dear Lord Jesus Christ, I Love You Dear Lord Jesus Christ, Please lend Your Strength, Love, & Wisdom to achieve as only You can Imagine. . .  Amen.

Monday, October 28, 2024

I recognize which kind they were

I had another crazy dream.

This time I was walking across the campus and I needed to call Kimberly
So I saw this office. It was in a big field and there was some old building in it that was neat. I saw several of these. They look like old buildings and I realized they were brand new. They were coverd with these vines all over them, growing like crazy. And I realized that it was old brown vines that made the building look old, because they were all brown and coming apart and sort of hiding the building behind it.

I realized how they had gotten all these old vines to grow like crazy to cover up the building and it made it look like it was old. Just crazy spider vines grow so fast. I’m so sorry. I realized I needed to call Kim and I walked inside and there was somebody sitting at a desk with a phone in front of him. So I asked him if I could use the phone.

He’s like sure no problem, so I picked up the phone and I noticed it only had half the numbers on it. It only had like half the number that are usually on the phone and I looked at them and said how am I gonna call Kim with this? He said you just use the same numbers that you use instead of having four numbers on the top and four numbers on the bottom, you use the four numbers on top and four numbers on bottom it’s just the same order on th top again. I didn’t quite get it, but pressed the numbers. Just like he told me and Kim came on the phone. I was like oh I dialed the right number and she was at home and we had an Airbnb guest at home. She’s kind of rushed and really short with me.

It was weird as I had just left the house and she wasn’t there and our guests were there and I was trying to figure out which room they had and who was paying for what. And so I actually tried to call her at work, but I dialed the home number and she turned out to be at home anyway. That was kind of weird and caught me by surprise and this guy was looking at me as I’m talking on the phone, so it was me that was really rushed at her. 

Here’s the way this guy was looking at me, while I’m talking on the phone, and I realize he really wasn’t doing anything at all. And he said that he just had to sit in the space to make sure it looked like he was doing something, in case somebody came in and they need to make sure that the office look like it was working.

Oh yeah, I know it’s a government office so you gotta act like somebody is there or there’s no reason to have the government office. That’s normal, government has been scamming people for years. So when I went outside again, there was a whole courtyard filled with racks of clothing. They looked like uniform uniforms and stuff so i noticed people milling around and working. Since I was walking by, I asked the guy what’s up all the uniforms for school and he’s like really short with me. I was like oh you just use the space for your business. . . 

And once again, it was like obvious that a private business was using the public land for whatever he was doing, just to make sure it look like the public land is being useful, but it was really private business making a profit. I’m thinking I wonder if AirBnB is doing that too, leasing out all kinds of public land and places to make tons of money with somebody else’s property where they don’t have any right to it at all, but somebody has a sense to use it because it’s public . . . . 

And I realize that’s exactly what I’m doing with my experience on the Airbnb. I’m charging 100 bucks an hour for people to come and watch my ritual and I’m doing it all on public property. I was essentially not paying anybody for using the property, but I’m making a profit for using it myself. And so I was like walking out looking at these buildings and realizing how they look brand new or are set so they looked really old and they were actually brand new and I was intrigued by how they had done these vines. Then I recognize which kind of vine they were I know a couple different kinds. I noticed the clothing company packed up. Everything was gone, and it was like a guy talk to was saying goodbye to me making sure that I knew that they were gone. And it was kind of weird.

Course, the whole dream was kind of weird.
Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!
What comes to mind with all this?
I wonder if it's all about ABB exploiting us at another level. Or should I say the Greed of the American Machine running people over again. And agian it is placing me into a space of change! How do these insights help? What have I lerned from this?    I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.

Saturday, October 26, 2024

picked up Mangroves and planted them

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!

OK, so I started SEEL again and I ran through the chapters to the first readings. And I remember that I’ve written this up before, so I decided to go back and read what I’ve written last time. Of course, it was essentially a year ago. And I just had my first bike accident, broken ribs and new job in September. So it was sort of like a twilight zone reading it over again, because it put me in exactly the same space again.

What’s weirder than anything? Is that as I got this Engineering offer? I also had three or four other jobs open with USF. Of course, the inspiration was to find a job there for me now, but I just applied for. So it’s so strange because I’m sore and stiff with broken ribs again, and I haven’t been able to do any exercises at all yet. And the dates are almost the same and the exercises are almost the same. And of course, I noticed that I had the wrong Bible verse last time so now I’m reading the right Bible verse Isaiah 43:1-7.

And once again, it is just so strong, right in my face about who I am, or what I do. Dr. Rafi Moves Rivers: Moses and Me! It’s not like anything new for me. I always have everything in my face. I mean, I’ve been trying to do the same thing all my life. Every chance I get, I try to change people! Try to change perspectives, try to change understanding. Even trying to help people eat right, and healthy, and get them to change their diet. I know my life has always been about changing others. It’s funny because I even had this in the comments, about being in the woods.

I mean, I literally wrote up yesterday about being in the woods. How much understanding and knowledge came from seeing God’s Perspective everywhere.  I mean, that seems like such a big deal to ask for God‘s Perspective. Give me a break, we are made in God’s Image, why wouldn’t we wanna have God‘s Perspective? I mean it’s like common sense, we should all be there all the time. So I’m wondering what He’s got planned for me now. I just gonna keep on teaching or am I gonna end up doing something completely different again. 

I Always like to say it’s up to God, and I go along with whatever He wants me to do. But then He throws things in my face, that you know I need to respond to. Oh, like another job at USF, of course it’s perfect for me. You think I’ll finally get hired?!?

I was so surprised to get hired at St Pete College. And I can tell they really like my work because of how much they’ve done for me already. So I wonder how long I’ll stay there. I really wonder what God‘s got planned for me!?!? You always seems to have some crazy things going on behind the scenes!?!

It’s like I’m always peeking behind the curtain because the Wizard likes me Watching what He’s doing. Sometimes I even think I’m like “shadowing,” to learn how to do it all by myself. Which, of course, is intimidating as shit. Like how can I handle doing anything more myself?
We have this all set perfect for you to learn to ask for direction and guidance. You always ask for strength, love and wisdom which has gotten you far, but now seeking the presence of God in each moment is necessary. . . the contemplation and discussion of each moment together!
I woke with a real crazy dream again. This time I was riding my bike on this trail. And I noticed they had redone this trail along the creek. So I turned in and followed this trail. I was going along and suddenly the trail vanished and I came to this big boulder and stopped and I was like dammit I don’t know why I didn’t turn around and go back because the trail filled up with water or something. Something happened behind me and so I was at this big boulder at the end of this trail. I don’t know why I decided to climb to the top of the boulder. I grabbed my bike, and I was hanging the bike off the edge and started climbing up this rock and as I climbed up, I realized that it was like entering this office park or office building on the other side.

I was like how the hell am I gonna get around this? You know, here I thought I was on a known trail, that picked up right away and so I was like in this river gorge and it was filling up with water. So I climbed on the rock with my bike and I saw this office park right up next to me and so I jump down and dropped my bike by this window and opened up the window, looked inside and saw this lady sitting at her desk and and she just looked at me. It was like she was busy and recognize that I was there in trouble but she couldn’t do anything and was like hold on. Looking at me like: You don’t need to come in yet or don’t do anything yet and it was funny because she was busy and doing whatever work she had to do dealing with her boss or dealing with other people and she knew I was trying to hold off. 

She didn’t want anybody else to see me or something, and it was really kind of weird because I was watching her work and she was dealing with other people and being very careful not to let anybody else in her office, walking out and talking to people and walking out and doing this and doing that, and it was funny so she was out in the hallway or something, and I climbed in and sitting on the other side of her desk and she was looking at me and smiled, and it was funny because you could tell she was busy and she was dealing with other people and the darkness that somebody else was in and I started to climb over the desk and and she knew what I was gonna do, but she didn’t want to take the chance of somebody walking in or something while I did it so she went out again and I jumped over the desk. It was just such a weird experience because I kept looking around and seeing all these people in her office working and busy and trying not to be obvious that I was there or anything. What a weird dream.

6:47 AM, 1020 32024. I woke up with another dream this time I was making an estimate to clean out peoples houses. Still doing a hurricane repairs it was kind of weird. Very vivid, very specific. Am I doing this now?

Well, let's begin with prayer. In The Name the father and the Son and the Holy Spirit Amen. Heavenly father help us to embrace a life of love relationship and service with You. 
Help us to see your creation through your eyes. and live out our lives based on how you see all things. Help us to suffer through, being a part of the secular world that does not believe or embrace you help us to compartmentalize and exercise detachment help us to learn how to detach and become indifferent to people who embrace the secular life. help us to stay dedicated to the spiritual path. Give us the strength and encouragement to persevere. Help us to be open and receptive, staying connected to you and your guidance and your grace. we pray these things in your most loving son's name, Amen 
The reason to identify your desire. Well, let me remind you of a quote from Ignatius that I know we've talked about before. And Ignatius says, our deepest desires are where we and God meet. 
What is remarkable is that you have come full circle again. It's like Drema told you years ago. You have a very specific purpose and place here to change things that only you can do. And now again you are full-circle back to the same place and same challenge again. How do you seek to create Life? How do you seek to express?  What is your Highest Calling? What is your Deepest Desire?
What happened?
I got up and was there for the sunrise yesterday and today. As I watched the sun break the horizon yesterday, this really pretty girl walked by with her black Labrador and sat on the bench there on the right. Eventually some other guy approached her and thay chatted a while. But she stayed there alone, and sat through my whole morning yoga. I kept thinking I'd ask her if she ever considered starting a business. 

 WHAT?  I thought?  Me another business?  and I knew she had her shit-together. Happy well behaved dog, long dark hair, with her fit clean form.  Sure I could do anything with a lady like that around me. Yes, the same as Maryanne and Kathy. But what business would I do now?  It's funny, I realized the best blessing Kevin gave me was just showing up. I was so excited to have a guest, I vacuumed and mopped the tile and cleaned it all every time he visited.  And I guess I did that for every AirBnB guest as well. 
What about the girl?
I know, I'm still a man. I think it's time to shave and look civilized again to see who I can meet. I know you always only send me Angels. And I know you have wanted me alone.
We have all your attention, and you read and focus only on growing Spirit. . . and growing in your yard. And what else

I know, this morning I brought a towel to the sunrise. And then got up and walked down the path to my mangrove planting. Most of the seagrass was destroyed but there were a lot of new sprouts already. It was weird as some raincoat was buried in the sand there where I dug the very first time. So I tried to dig it out. Wow, I worked for a while, sore and tired I decided to swim instead. Course then I picked up Mangroves and planted them. I even planted a coconut. Course I saw an Osprey that was chirping over my head as I passed by. . . 
What else?
I saw a big Horseshoe crab. . . ALIVE, and breeding, that I've never seen there before!  So Of course, I immediately thought of doing a special ABB course to plant mangrove and train kids. . .   I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.

Saturday, September 21, 2024

love to share and guide more and more

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!
What did you learn today? 
I love your Word! Thank you for being so Strong and clear to me today. I know I always have so much to do and I try to keep up and I try to understand and stay focused. I also get so frustrated with all the chaos and distractions that always seem to interfere. I always feel so blessed to be able to move as I do with you.
More as you do as we lead. Each day more comes through to you and more makes sense for you. You are always in the write place at the right time. And often you accept and move through things so clear and strong. The experience that you accept as your life is one of deeper truth in Christ Jesus. The saints and Angels you bring into your experience - 
I am so grateful how you share this Word with me so easily. And I know you want me to share my experience with you today, as it is always such a blessing. Today started with the Exodus readings:
Giving Thanks Day 38 | Tobit 13:1-4 . . . He is our loving Father, and all that happens to us can become a means of teaching and correction in learning how to live. We must live in a constant state of gratitude to God for welcoming us back time and time again, and come to recognize how much we must depend on him for everything . . . He has allowed us to live at this time and place for a reason, calling us to become witnesses to the nations . . . Tobit models a life of gratitude. Despite his many trials, he remained faithful and received from God the help he needed. He accepted what God gave him and did not grow bitter, expecting other things or questioning God’s providence. He did the best he could in difficult circumstances, showing us how we need to live in continual dependence on God. As a faithful and loving son, he accepted God’s will for his life, knowing that we should not expect ease and comfort in the trial of life . . . It’s his love that lifts us up to him, changing and transforming us from within. He will mold us like clay, making us ever more into the image of his divine Son, Jesus. As this process unfolds, we must accept with patience the difficulty and length of the process. St. Thérèse of Lisieux tells us, “If you are willing to bear serenely the trial of being displeasing to yourself, then you will be for Jesus a pleasant place of shelter.” Pray today in gratitude to express your dependence on the Father, giving him your praise and love.

What came next was posted here: Ok this is great, listening for the third time now: https://www.intouch.org/listen/radio/devoted-to-prayer-pt-1

Yea I know it's always your Word coming to me all the time! But I am always challenged and pushed to do more, learn more, achieve more, share more, and again now I sent this podcast to my children and the Welcome Team. And I had to pray about it and remembered that my writing is my strongest prayers ever, as this is how I have developed such a close relationship with Spirit. Yes I know Christ lives inside us and seeks to share each moment with us. And I can see how this brings me to create a garden. Christ Jesus wants to return to the garden of Eden where we all belong and all started. 

I also realized in my writing now how Jesus living with Me, is always giving me more challenges and responsibilities so that I ask him for more strength love and wisdom to more forward. Of course, he love to share and guide more and more. And if I get stronger and stronger then the challenges must also get more extreme for me to grow.

We have wanted you to write more for a while. And when you share these direct experiences you can see how much more clear it gets for you and how much more so learn. 
I know It's always more, and I see how you really want all of me. No relationships, no more children, no dogs or cats, just me and you focused on this moment together . . . 

Please lend Your Strength, Love, & Wisdom to guide me through this day and week achieving all that you have get before me to your glory amen.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

know everything‘s happening so fast

OK, this has gotten really weird. I can’t seem to post pictures anywhere at all. I’m talking to the machine again, which works better every day. Everything‘s happening so fast. I’m intimidated as hell because I know everything‘s happening so fast. All that means is that I’ve got more to do and less time to get it done. Like this post after my Welcome Retreat. I was so excited to do my mom’s sermon that took me months to get ready. And the day I finally presented was so late at night. I was barely standing up still I couldn’t see straight I could barely just read it. I was just so fried. 

Of course, the very next day I got an email with the very same story again. Even more detail, including how RFK had stepped down to support Trump. Of course, in the middle of this video, he said where he got his data, which is what this next link is here. Of course I gotta go back to the Source . I could care less who says what if the source is bogus… 

Nobody follows the sources tighter than I do. And I think mine is even better! 

Well, I don’t know why I had to do this, but it was such a pain in neck to get it all done…

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!
What His rate is right, so be it!
I I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.