- Find a good time and quiet place, use same place, posture, each time to create routines.
- Recollection, quiet down and get to the place of Christ, ask for guidance to get into Prayer, return to the same place as you’ve found before.
- Meditate - attentive reflection on God, the Bible, the days lessons, the scripture readings with clear focus, slowly read, and ask for insight within . . .
- Respond and Resolve to ACT on this . . . Act of the will on what you found
And everything just gets more and more focused. Today 9:56 AM Mon Feb 24… looking to find the move date in my Blogger: St Pete Science of Journals2My, Journal2MyC, Journal2M: draft.blogger.com https://youtu.be/3SeQTgBJsIk
I find these Words, Dear God, I am sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you . . . THUS, THE “Thank You Dear Lord Jesus Christ, I Love You Dear Lord Jesus Christ”, CHANT, , needs to be modified beyond just adding Saint Mary and Saint Joseph. I’ve been chanting these all together, AND KNOW, I need to get this into gratitude and forgiveness . . . expressing remorse does require vulnerabilityI am sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you, Dearest Saint Mary, I am sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you, Dearest Saint Joseph, I am sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you, Dearest Saint Mary, I am sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you . . .this is deep into gratitude and forgiveness.I am sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you, Dear JESUS CHRIST PLEASE FORGIVE ME,
Thank You: Now know you can just type, and the scribbles all Change, so We JoKe of how frustrated you would get, forgetting how wonderful this time and space you created is.
AND Now it translates your scribbles, JESUS I BOUGHT YOU TO THESE chicken scratchs for you to play more EVeRYDAy, and EVERyTime . . .
We have given you everything you could possibly need and made the time and space very suitable for all you can do . .
What about your own Move 12/13/19, and then Covid 3/13/20, so Catholic was Lent in one Word! What do U feel now?I want to do Lent with my Dad. I remember when he moved out of Northdale, and I had just been left by Kim. So me and Dad moved everything of value in my truck, 15 miles across town. Yes, me and Dad were working together. We were praying together. I told him how using the Word, or name of Jesus would make everything fast and easy. Psalm 61:1 (Yes, this is the random verse on the radio as I'm writing!) and we had this direct experience. . . where something went wrong and we would realize that we forgot to pray before starting, and we would stop, and pray for guidance and protection. . . This literally happened two or three times, including somebody getting hurt!
What a remarkable experience to share with your father. And you remember this time so well, because it felt like the first time you had a friendship and real conversation with your father. Yes, he was trapped in your truck through hours of traffic with you. You remember how many times you thanked Kimberly, as her leaving you 9/11/2017 gave this sudden free time to spend with your dad. And then your Seminole Heights house sold and you went on the RV trip with your dad and Sharon. That never would’ve happened if you didn’t have conversation and free time with your dad before hand. This opened the door for spending the next months in their house and starting to exercise.I know, and then working again and moving to St Pete. Where your Word came through to me about my mom being Catholic and starting LENT!
What is important now is to realize there was a lot more that happened to you before you got to this solution, as from August to March was six months. Yes, started with Charles: God established protective boundaries for His children because He knows the dangers of disobedience. His Word warns us not to give in to temptation but to follow Jesus Christ in a life of sacrifice. Satan used doubt ("Has God said?"), deceit ("You surely will not die"), and self-delusion ("You will be like God") to achieve his aim (Gen. 3:1-5). He made rebellion against God… …
Then exodus 90… What kind of spiritual sacrifices? What are we to offer God in worship? First, we offer the whole of ourselves. God is our source, and we acknowledge that by giving the whole of ourselves to him. “I appeal to you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship” (Romans 12:1). Secondly, in gratitude for our freedom from sin and death, we offer a sacrifice of thanksgiving and praise. We pray with the Psalmist: “O Lord, I am your servant; the son of your handmaid. You have loosed my bonds. I will offer to you the sacrifice of thanksgiving and call on the name of the Lord” (Psalm 116:16-17). These acts of worship touch every moment of our lives, but they are especially fitting when we attend the Sacred Mysteries and unite ourselves to the offering of Christ, the sacrificial lamb.
I really have been preparing for this, all my life.
It really should not be any surprises at all. Each and every day gets easier and more focused. I mean after I got all these perfectly aligned concepts to take this into meditation and chant!
I AM SORRY, PLEASE FORGIVE ME, Thank You Dear Lord Jesus Christ, I Love You Dear Lord Jesus Christ,
I AM SORRY, PLEASE FORGIVE ME, Thank You Saint Mary, I Love You Saint Mary,
I AM SORRY, PLEASE FORGIVE ME, Thank You Saint Joseph, I Love You Saint Joseph,
I AM SORRY, PLEASE FORGIVE ME, Thank You Dear Lord Jesus Christ, I Love You Dear Lord Jesus Christ,
Yes, the Christ part came out more and more as I went along. I’ve gotten to church early and sat in the back, just chaining the words. Then I ran out as soon as he said he was done to get the coffee out.I keep forgetting tasks that I need to do. And finding more!
I know I need to pray about this more. Please Saint Mary remind me, guide me, lead me.!
Feels like Saint Mary’s great with Memories, like Saint Joseph with tools!
Yes you have been very persistent and easily “unending!”
I wonder what could be next. . . As I'm clearly always ready for anything.
Like when I got to the Men’s Exodus Fraternity Meeting this morning, I knew I had to make another pot of coffee. I didn’t know why, I just knew I had to make one more!
I did end up staying late drinking coffee, and made sure everybody had some, but there was still leftover… i’ll get it just right sooner or later
Just like always sharing with my kids, I posted these synergies to them in text shown here . . . So after having this powerful experience with my children, where I actually sent it to them at the 5am time, that focus of the family was starting on the radio station and I had already watched, or listened to Charles Stanley, which was after focus on the family, so it was really neat to have a preview of what they were going to hear soon. Yes if they actually click the right link and stop and listen to everything
It’s really interesting knowing that there could be 1000 children reading this blog now and having the exact experience that I imagined for my son!?!?
In your Word again, as I started a new day.!What You shared with Mike and Jesse was really important too. The idea of having real food and quantities and practicalities that are realistic for everybody. It’s really just a no-brainer! I mean you love to cook anyway, Have all your moms and Judy’s recipes and 1000 others. . . Then knowing how to grow it all yourself as well. It’s all fitting together just where it needs to. just stay fearless and wander through. .
. . . What would Jesus do? . . How best would he express his love? . . . how is that working?I now I’ve still not gotten to SEEL WordS!
What about SEEL?I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.