What about baby steps as you grow in your prayer life, like asking for your Welcome Witness to impact people more directly. You saw the same story in the press the next day. Maybe all the Witness Team and guests saw it too. And if they saw the clarity of your health story repeated, they might come to see the truth in Saint Michael or using the WORD as you shared!I get it . . . I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ, Please fill the last Weekend Witness attendees with Your Strength, Love, & Wisdom to find and experience all Your Deeper Truths that I shared and experienced for the Glory of Father, Son and Holy Ghosts, Amen.
Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!
What you did was make it easier for you to share more. Again everything is designed to give you more focus and clarity as you struggle to write and share deeper ideas, you are forced to go slower and be more careful and deliberate. Each element of this experience expands and develops on itself.I realize that it's always about sharing more of the Word! I keep remembering how sharing with you here has always been my focus. I've always been able to share more with you here with a pen than anywhere. It is just what you have done with me all along. And as weird as it is, I don't seem to be able to do anything else. I go through my accounts again and try to pay my bills or something, and it's just not possible. I don't know what that means or whether something else will come along or not. Then I try to work and get a regular job and that never seems to work right either. I know you want me spending more and more time with you and when I see this app translating my scribbles so accurately, I really have to accept that I'm doing something that's really important and necessary. I mean, often I can't even read my own scribbles... but they are still translated to perfect printed text . . . Even when my scribbles are spelling the words wrong!
We have been very focused with you for a long time. You understand vibrations and other aspects of this world that not many people have been able to conceive. You use these tools often and are able to traverse through these systems very easily. You are able to fit in. You are accepted by many classes and types of people because you are at another vibrational level.
9:35:33 08/31/2023 I know, Blogging is more about sharing your Word! The power and focus we can create here is the whole point of having this technology and time for me. Yes I get it. And as weird as it may sound, I now wonder if all my work is blocked. I mean, it seems odd that I have any readers here at all. I'm not sure why it feels odd to me. Well except it's always really about my own learning, growing and sharing.
Learning, growing is where we started. You need to pray!
I really need to be praying here!
Yes that is exactly what this is all about. You always recognize that it's the time and place that's more important than anything. You stumble around seemingly with no idea which end is up, but then you say and do things that no one could anticipate or prepare for except US!
I guess, that's a good thing. If people knew and prepared, they would likely all be fakes. It's really easy to dress up and prepare for a wedding or a funeral, if you know what it is all about ahead of time. While if you have no warning and can only be real in the moment, then the true self really comes out.
What then is it that you would really want to ask for, if you really could ask for anything.
I have heard these Words before! I remember asking to understand more about Your Purpose, Meaning and Intentions. Now, I would really like it if You could Fulfill these. Leading countless peoples and countless generations to seek and love has been very fruitful and wonderful. Please Will you accept us as we are and help us to BE, Love, and Live as only you can guide us. Your sheep here on Earth have gotten more and more sick and helpless. The Strength and Wisdom of our One True Shepherd is needed more than ever.
What does that mean in practice?
It’s about the Power of Your Word!
We have been here with you for a long time. You have spoken about seeing that first Spark in the mud that made this all possible. Included and guiding that from the beginning you already know and recognize now much you have influenced this and what it means to create and adjust it all to meet the needs apparent. More and more people are seeing the systems crash and you asked for that as well.
I figured it would come back to this. YES THE Word! Love!
What, where, when, how?
I want to see all the deceptions and the lies and falsehoods to die and crumble from their own weight. We need a system to share Love based only on Truth. We need to teach and honor only love and truth above all things, please Dear Jesus Christ bring Your Transmutation!
I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.