“Power without love is reckless and abusive, and love without power is sentimental and anemic. Power at its best is love implementing the demands of justice, and justice at its best is power correcting everything that stands against love.” ― Martin Luther King

Thursday, May 31, 2001

First Posting

 Chi Gong??? - Google Groups

Have you done Chi Gong??? Like really moved the energy?? Pumped your micro-orbit till it hurt??? I do all these chants and motions, and it's burning out my knees... like my legs aren't fat enough??? Or I'm not down far enough in the samurai positions???...

Ok, I start at the Wu Chi position and the power in my hands swells into big balls of light,

So I go through the standing forms. like I push these balls of light through my body. Starting at my crown chakra and pulling it down into my ears, then the throat, heart, solar plexus, groin, knees ankles, toes. Then draw a round heart on the earth and cupping my hands together pull up again.....

It's like pulling up this Great Serpent of energy around the earth. . . pulling it up into the energies of heavens as I stand... Then dumping them into my groin, where it flows deep down again into the Earth ... to clean me out or something???

Lol... it's like melding through me and through out... I can even see these balls of light at times... squeezing through my systems...So when I pass it though my legs.... The knees are like a bottleneck.... and the backs of my knees are getting sour??? I mean like open sours on the back of my knees?

IT"S really weird ... I never am sick, hurt, nothing. never!!!

But when my left knee got this sour I thought I had a rash or something... from too much stress. But now as I do the positions more and more the right knee is getting the same burn hole... ???


What's going on???

DOES anyone have a clue??? <= click link and "show message history."

IM me AOL IM: stars2man, or To: eweaver@mail.usf.edu PLEASE NOW!!!