“Power without love is reckless and abusive, and love without power is sentimental and anemic. Power at its best is love implementing the demands of justice, and justice at its best is power correcting everything that stands against love.” ― Martin Luther King

Saturday, December 31, 2022

restoring our connection

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!
It was designed and created by all of us. What happened now?
I am always having really powerful experiences, where someone else was able to  walk-by, see, feel, taste, witness and notice my very clear direct experiences with God. It’s really remarkable to me, just connected to nature. Like this morning the SUN was so powerful, it was vibrating through me: 
It was peaceful and beautiful as usual. And the radio was preaching in tune with me. That is always so powerful to experience with my work and routine, each word I hear, vibrates into repeated images and ideas of God's Grace experienced that moment. I always share this radio station live here for you now, because I KNOW it is more about my vibration than anything. It really doesn’t matter what they preach or what the music is. It’s always in JOY with the Perspective of Jesus, which is ideal, and keeping it in Jesus, keeps you connected to me. It makes this vibration i share real for you, because if you click this link and listen for this moment reading this word on this paper, YOU CONNECT, instantly. I know its really some ancient Yoga about sounds of Truth, NOW connecting Heaven and Earth, at some deep metaphysical level here and now, that I can barely understand, or can barely describe at all to you in these written words. 

And i know everyone can share it very easily with just a song on this radio here in the Love Vortex of Tampa Bay. Remember this IS EDEN, we are ALL here to share in it, as we all designed this together. Forget the snake, stop all those distractions and return here in Truth with me NOW.  The Love of Jesus is ALIVE here for us, and again this is the right place, at the right time; for you to hear and feel the joy, love, & peace now. It’s really about just accepting my place and responsibility to do and share something very deep and powerful with you. I remember when the Medicine Man visited and called me the Man of Knowledge. He didn’t ask anything, but simply sat on the bench here pictured where someone is walking by. He sat and watched as the Sun came up and he already knew what I was doing. Of course, I kinda know conceptually and recognize it’s fundamental to our survival here and now.
What you need to know is that no one else is doing this as you are. The birds, and feathers, and regalia that you bring into form are also very critical to making this vibration higher and stronger for everyone. You can feel how everyone who comes by feels your resonance. You also notice how every dog stops and wants to visit. You’ve seen young children look over, and seek to get closer. You’ve loved how the birds come and all the beauty of this experience. Each time you struggle to stay focused, you see the SunLight Flowing deep into your body and down into Earth. You feel your chakra’s spin and the Light moves, knowing how this vibration creates deeper stronger harmonies.
Now it’s about following through. You know you can heal anyone or anything. Each new element is already created and designed to bring you through. Stepping into it is happening more and more, holy forever. If you have been forgiven, sing this song forever and amen. And. The Angels cried, Holy, you were living holy forever.
I was so surprised as I took this pic of my feet as the Sun opened up more. I knew it was a Live Apple Pic, so clicked and held to see what happened with the moments of the time-lapse. It was so weird as i saw this flash around me as clipped below!

Like the light of this moment got caught onto me and spun around me like I feel through my chakra’s, but here it was on my skin around my images is this light flashing in the sun for this very unique special moment that I had and shared for an instant.

I think it was some new apple app to copy or edit the pic as I’ve asked before. It was totally random and so powerful to feel the light vibrate around me, and to see this again in the pic, where the Sun shown so strongly and clear before me. I figured it had to be a new app editing feature, that was added with my next beta upgrade in IOS. I Love discovering these random IOS Beta changes so often anticipating my next task to enable my next creations.

I think this was happening so I would take the time to explain more about my experiences. I can always feel the Son burning through me. I’m pulled through the different motions and directions, where each element of my being is charged into higher levels of Light. I recognize what this means to my physiology and I sense how my body gets clearer and stronger. It is like every time I complete this exercise my vibrations shift to higher levels of coherence with Heaven and Earth. More health, more youth, and more energy vibrating within me that I see in my third eye.

Like I Flashed to new levels of details for the challenges and responsibilities opening up before me. Whatelse would I want to teach and share. All kinds of vibrant images Flash through my minds eye. All mankind needs to get into this very single personal vibration, that I have created with Jesus HERE in TAMPA BAY. . . And yes, I know it’s a Love Vortex we created here. It’s very powerful and obvious to everyone. We are always very friendly and open to love and help others. It’s just what is here, and what we are experiencing each and every day.
What about the ACTIONS you are always calling for. You know there is so much more that needs to come forward here and it’s so much stronger and real for you. This experience you share in writing is a tiny reflection and you are so clear about so much more power and focus available for you.

I know its about gardens and kids and restoring our connection to Earth to love and grow and share more as we can each and every day

I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ. Thank You Dear Lord Jesus Christ, Please dearest Mother Mary lend Your Strength, Love, & Wisdom to help me to grow and evolve into this place we created before me for the Glory of Father, Son and Holy Ghosts, amen. . . 

Monday, December 26, 2022

many things forward

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word! It’s the beginning of something new. I am always alone and wondering what could be next. Or maybe these times to write and share in Spirit are my foundation and my creation intending this time alone to decide what’s next.
We have always been here with you, just as you notice how Ely, Joyce, Joni and even Dawn are with their own families now. You reach out and hear each reply from afar. They know you and visit you often and you recognize how important it is for them to spend time with their children, exactly as you have been wanting. It’s such a high vibration you experience with kids. Olivia yesterday allowed you to see and teach her more in a few moments than you did in weeks with students at USF last term. 
Yes, this last term teaching shifted things tremendously for them, and it was really a powerful experience for you to connect and move them. Each one of your students were grateful for the power and focus you provided to them. Many shifted things a lot deeper and stronger than anyone would ever know and understand at that moment. Again it’s a vibration that carries them forward and influences deep seeded aspects that are hidden deep inside.
I understand how my place and power moves so many things forward! And I still get the sense I’ll be teaching and opening things up more in the months to come. I’ve submitted so many applications and resumes to St Pete and USF, and this has not really opened anything more up for me.
What you are feeling and sensing about your now is as real as it gets. You have tried to help the people around you and they refuse to move forward. Spending more and more time here is not healthy for you or for them. You recognize this is not healthy or moving forward. It’s getting worse not better.
I’m trying to respect other people and their choices! But it has been impacting me more and more. Like one guest wants to leave because of a new dog in the room. I’ve always seen the dog with the owner, and not getting up or out at all. Of course, my guest is not happy about it and asked about leaving the room, and even getting a refund on the month she paid for, so she can leave now.  Then the backyard looks like a private bathroom, with laundry and junk all around . . . 

Then I’m also asked about what do I really want to get together and make happen. . 
We have been asking this for years. Building a city of Love is a wonderful idea, and how you created it in High School was part of your expression and Divinity in experience. You created so much focus and motion with these ideas you wrote and shared. Now you have seen these same expressions over and over again in front of you. You still want to remove all the cars. You want to have everyone with free access to information and knowledge, and you have seen this come into fruition. This technology you use so easily now is more than you imagined even possible. Just like having a strong woman ready to help and having three children each at a time that you cherished.
I get it. What about winning the lottery? What would I do then? Could I build and do anything more than I am already doing. Would I buy more e-bikes or cars or something else to make my airbnb space something more. Not really. I don’t want anything more. Would I invest in building kid-containers? Maybe that’s ideal? Maybe saving the worlds children is where I belong. Would I prefer to just love little kids and teach them to love and grow plants and animals in the gardens or somewhere else?  Do i need to create my own school, or daycare center? Would I open my home for more transient people struggling to find and achieve their dreams or would I do something else? What would I really seek?

Do I want to be planting mangroves and singing to the sunshine each morning again? What church would support me there, or do I need my own church? Do I really seek to heal people, or is this a responsibility I feel obligated to. Like helping Judy at Unity, is it the church, or the food, or the opportunity to help and love another mother figure, like my own mother? What is it there that I really seek? Do I love to cook and feed people? Would this be something more that I need to seek or pursue for the next hundred years?

My Son made it so obvious how delighted I was to be teaching at USF again. And I sorta get this feeling that JJ might be asking me to fill-in or take-over again anyway. What about this experience was so exciting for me? Was it the sudden challenge to teach and present something that I’ve not done before? Did I need to clarify my teaching methods so that I could step into it more strongly or was there something else that this opened up? Yes changing lives is what I’ve always done. Teaching bright strong seniors who are stepping into their own careers was certainly a challenge and powerful experience. It was a delight to see how easy it was to change people’s lives and how they viewed their world and future.

Is this where I belong? Do I need to stop trying to help everyone else and focus on helping myself? What else could I do about teaching? It’s not something far away, and not something so complicated. There are dozens of colleges locally, and I’ve only explored and applied to one of them. Is this my major focus?
What you have done is recognize that you can bring and change everything. Ending the lies and deceptions that plague Earth has been a passion for you. The corruption of capitalism was what started you, and then through your own mother’s sacrifice, you came to know how deep these lies really are. This course you taught allowed you to bring many of these ideas out to inspire students to learn and take their place and responsibility more seriously. You were able to change lives. You have always done this for people. And you have trusted and allowed this place and responsibility to evolve and grow before you. Watching and stepping into things that show-up is easy and powerful for you. But what you have attracted and brought into your space is so much more.
I’m stumped. I have three dogs in the front rooms, two people on bunks and one who paid extra for the private room. Then I have three more dogs in the back with a mother-daughter couple who are set on smoking themselves sick! They paid for the tent space and are now living in my tool-box. The container is now a bedroom, and I’m not sure what they are doing in there beyond smoking all the time. I asked them not to smoke on my property, and that had them hiding cigarettes from me, but smoking as much or more than ever. So they don’t respect me and want me to give them cash for cleaning the bathroom that they only paid for one week. 

Then of course, I have another friend who found me at Saint Raphael’s Sunday service and has come and visited my home everyday since then with her three children. Loving a pretty woman is easy, leading and loving children is something else I’ve always done and enjoyed. Wanting to have the fun and joy I shared with Emily and Christopher again is something really wonderful of course.
What about your experience with “only 3 left?”
Yes I felt it was my experience with the Mangroves that allowed us to step to three years beyond the three weeks and months.  What’s “soon” anyway, it’s been millions of years to bring us to this time. And it’s only been three centuries that we have been destroying it all.
What do you feel about this now
I’m not sure it’s relevant anymore. Like we have stepped beyond these limits again. Like walking through walls, stepping beyond limits is what I see and experience all the time. Do I want anything more? Do I need anything more? What about this experience is critical for me now?
What about sleep? You’ve been reading and rewriting this all day long. You’ve really not found anything new, and simply are allowing things to stay as you have placed them already. The people move and shift around you and you help them along, or watch as a spectator instead of taking control. Providing directions and encouragement is nice, but you have so much more you need to do. What about making your City of Love. What is happening there that you can still move forward. Consider also what’s before you. What would you share with your son, and what would you want to hide from your son? And if choosing to hide things is where you are now, WHY?
I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.

Friday, December 23, 2022

The Power of Meditation

The Power of Meditation
  • As of 2019, an estimated 200 million to 500 million people around the globe were meditating regularly. Considering its many psychological and physical benefits, this is good news. There is a large body of evidence demonstrating the mind-body connection is real, and that your mind has a direct impact on your physical health
  • Brain imaging has revealed meditation alters your brain in a number of beneficial ways, such as increasing gray matter volume in brain regions involved in the regulation of emotions, memory, learning and self-referential processes
  • Meditation has also been shown to alter the expression of 2,209 different genes. Examples of genetic effects include the down-regulation of genes involved in inflammation and stress
  • Clinically, mindfulness-based meditation practice has been demonstrated in randomized trials to improve depressive symptoms in women with fibromyalgia and to have lasting anti-anxiety effects after only eight weeks of group practice
  • Studies suggest meditation can help a wide range of health problems, including cardiac arrhythmias, bronchial asthma, cold sores, cough, ulcers, diabetes, constipation, infertility, high blood pressure, psoriasis, pain and much more

According to the featured BBC Documentary “The Power of Meditation,”1,2 originally aired in 2008, more than 10 million Westerners practice daily meditation. More recent statistics3 suggest people are turning to meditation in droves, with the number of practitioners tripling since 2012. As of 2019, an estimated 200 million to 500 million people around the globe were meditating regularly.

Considering its many psychological and physical benefits, this is good news, especially in light on the pandemic we are all going through. There is a large body of evidence demonstrating the mind-body connection is real, and that your mind has a direct impact on your physical health.

Meditation Changes Your Brain and Body for the Better

For example, brain imaging has revealed meditation alters your brain in a number of beneficial ways — such as increasing gray matter volume in brain regions involved in the regulation of emotions, memory, learning and self-referential processes4 — and studies show meditative practices even alter your genetic expression.5,6,7,8

Tuesday, December 20, 2022


For 40 years, nutritional therapist and quantum energy healer Mark Mincolla, Ph.D., has integrated ancient Chinese energy healing techniques with emerging nutritional science in what he calls Electromagnetic Muscle Testing, an approach that zeros in on each individual’s unique dietary needs. He has authored seven books, including The Wu Way, The Tao of Ch’i and Whole Health.

In his most recent work, The Way of Miracles: Accessing Your Superconsciousness—and an accompanying documentary film of the same title—he shares his experiences, documented research and exercises to cultivate our natural ability to heal and create miracles.

Yes I know you want me to do so much more and I am barely getting started.
It’s really a challenge to keep up sometimes, and I know it’s all about my own creations and my own power and desire that makes everything come together in such a way that everything works for You.

I was really surprised this last Sunday. This lady was dancing around and singing at the church. It was clear to me she needed help, or wanted something from me. But I left without saying a word to her. Course I forgot my moccasins that I always take off in church. When I went back inside, she was talking with one of the Father’s and I thought they had been working together already.

When I Spoke to her, I found she was annoying everyone, getting all manic about who she is, and how she could save all these children from Ukraine. Again the powerful high vibration frequency of love, desperate to get expressed. Turns out she has three children, who all clearly need a father. And then she has a husband in prison who is creating more and more problems for her and everyone else.

I shared a bit about my work with STARS and she replied she found the Saint Rafael that the St Raphael Catholic Church was missing. And she has since been very clear and focused about how we must be working together to move forward. Both saving children in Ukraine and doing more with the Churches, Gardens, and gospel here in St Pete.

This has really been a delight, and has inspired many deep conversations. Speaking at length about what I really need and who ideally I Am is where we have come to. Like creating the Luxury ABB seems like a obvious start. But competing with exclusive hotels is not my place, rather competing with the lies of the moffit cancer center. My goals in luxury retreats is not the dead paradigm of the bigger faster car, but the restoring truth and the meaning of health and love of community and family. 

My retreat is a family home, an urban farm to restore health and peace, not another big-box store selling the spoils of greed and materialism. The lies of the Matrix are obvious and recognized by many, but the viable solutions and applications are non-existent. Like I have no interaction with the public schools yet. 

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!
What you are doing now is stepping more into your responsibilities. The experience you had with your mother brought you into the space of knowledge deep into the systems. Walking through walls you were never intimidated to explore deeper allowing you to have this deep knowledge. Always at the right place at the right time.
I just flashed into the city where people moved with rubber tracks floating on water. Water everywhere was pumped and moved to bring health and nutrition to people. This endless irrigation system, sewer system, water systems provided the power for moving people, bringing the focus on cooperation and support in evolving systems. Not the greed separated controls we find everywhere. I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ. Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!
What you need to do is get busy, clearing the systems for making a new.
I know, i'm moving. . . I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.

Monday, December 5, 2022

3d-phd: I AM stars4man?

So we are ending now.
3/13/23 it's all over.
They aer cmonig!
Adn Tehy aer raeyll pdessi!

Thank You Dear Lord Jesus Christ, I Love You Dear Lord Jesus Christ, Thank You Dear Lord Jesus Christ, I Love You Dear Lord Jesus Christ, Thank You Dear Lord Jesus Christ, I Love You Dear Lord Jesus Christ, Thank You Dear Lord Jesus Christ, I Love You Dear Lord Jesus Christ, Thank You Dear Lord Jesus Christ, I Love You Dear Lord Jesus Christ, Thank You Dear Lord Jesus Christ, I Love You Dear Lord Jesus Christ, Thank You Dear Lord Jesus Christ, I Love You Dear Lord Jesus Christ, Thank You Dear Lord Jesus Christ, I Love You Dear Lord Jesus Christ. Thank You Dear Lord Jesus Christ. I Love You Dear Lord Jesus Christ. Thank You Dear Lord Jesus Christ. I Love You Dear Lord Jesus Christ. 

3d-phd: Dear I AM. . . I Am eric an’
Understand the big picture first . . . . 

I'm really crazy fanatical about putting all these truths that I discovered together, to show these lies that KILLED my Mom: Ely Maria Rivera Emmanuelli Weaver on 1/24/1999.

Sunday, November 27, 2022

face-to-face encounters

each and every one of us has an important role to play in this process. We must expose their plans, goals, networks and battle strategies, and we do that by sharing what we know in whatever capacity we can, be it through social media posts, emails, texts, phone calls, face-to-face encounters, groups, clubs or at church. 

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word !
What has happened here is that you are preparing people to see and understand things they have been running from and hiding from. It’s about being real, and understanding these deeper things. Your stories about “Only Three Left” was something so very powerful and remarkable that no one could understand or relate. Again it was about being in the right place at the right time. This has been your life, and you procrastinate and wonder, always curious about what’s next, but are always in the “Right Place at the Right Time” anyway. You can not escape this, because you are central to this. You gave-up so much and are just starting to understand what your mother did for you to be ready here now . . .
I’m still perplexed about this!
What you did with your daughter was very successful. Your intention to keep her in Spirit was very strong and focused. You have found some of her writings confirming that you achieved this. You have been able to bring out Spirit very strongly in many people. This is something you are very good at. It’s not something to laugh about or question. You are doing what you need to do for now. It is all something you are doing in a new space and a new experience. When things shift this next year, you will be able to lead and instruct others to step into places and actions that are remarkable and prepared for you. Prepared by you. It’s really your own hand and working that has made so many things possible.
I feel you have so much more to say to me, and it’s more about my place and timing! I had a zoom call yesterday which also surprised me. It wasn’t really anything new, but clearly was about getting me out there teaching more again at a much higher level.
You have realized that you need to teach. Then you avoid many of the obvious and easy opportunities seeking something more structured. But then you do not create any structure, but act and engage completely randomly expecting the structure to form and support you. Yes we have played that role countless times. And you are always ready to step into it and play your part. We have always been impressed and pleased by this. Again now, you are doing the prayerline calls and can play an easy roll that allows you to lead and guide in very limited and simple terms. It always wears you out, and you are often ready to sleep or rest after these experiences.
I know, and I’m never sure about priorities, or engaging with others! It’s really weird as I seem to avoid more personal or intense things. It’s almost like I’m afraid to step-out or to get out too much more, but when getting a direct request to volunteer, I’m happy to. I did get a bunch more jobs to apply for and get into. But I’ve not started any yet, and know I still have a lot to do. It’s always so much for me, and seemingly so much further out of reach. That’s seems so crazy as I’ve always been in time with everything I needed and I know I can and do have everything I could ever need or want within reach and easy to do or get.
What you are prepared for and do each day all fits together as no one could ever understand. These elements that you are sharing are very focused and powerful, as you continue to trust and move forward in these things set before you.
I am never sure what that means and why I have so much to do all the time that I'm not sure about. Like now again I'm ready to fall asleep and how I have no fruit cut in my fridge for breakfast. I'm always so happy to eat fruit and yogurt in the morning. I have time to shop but would rather sleep.
What about student grades? Yes share more: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ehZFLMc9AXiG36nJgY_9atWRQvK-BS7b/view?usp=drivesdk
I know.
I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.

Friday, November 18, 2022

one man has done here

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word! I greatly appreciate the challenges that you place before me. And I’m still perplexed to understand what’s before me, though I’ve never really cared.
What? You have always cared, and you have been very clear and strong to accept and move through things, every time without question or conflict many times. You have the strong ability to flow and move through the space and times before you with very little effort or waste.
I’m still learning what this means, and how I have been able to move and do things that I really do not comprehend completely. I’m here for you Jesus, and I know that we have this intimacy that most can never understand or accept.
What you have done more important than anything is opening the door and allowing for things to flow in your life at such a powerful level. You recognize that every soul before you has very specific tasks and responsibilities that you inspire and bring to the surface in a very powerful and specific way. You say and share things very spontaneously providing the avenue for others to grow and learn at a new level never before considered. This is one of your many gifts.
I guess I’m ready for whatever is next before me. And I’m always challenged to understand my place, or wondering what could I ever be doing next. I think it’s really just remarkable as I consider the great diversity and variety I’ve seen and experienced. Lost in the woods and then the streets and then the schools of New Jersey. Starting in the deepest truths of nature and untouched forests and getting stuck into the strongest deceptions of greed and control destroying the forests.

I am very grateful for this time with you Lord Jesus. To see and know so many different levels of consciousness and beingness that are still beyond the comprehension of so many. I wonder what could be next, and still I wonder about so much and see so much as well. And somehow I knew or always knew you needed my help. You asked and wonted me for some reason. To do and to share something that ONLY I could do. And now again I’m in tears as I consider this again.  I seem to be so spoiled and so cared for, not really sure what to do or where to go most of the time. But then always feeling such a strong guidance.

I’m sitting in The Capital Grill having eaten my oysters and Guinness that I wanted after my long day of classes. The traffic got to be too much for me to keep driving. It’s annoying to get stuck in the parking lot of highways that our culture seems to thrive on. Again something I seem to have promised myself I would end someday.

Wow, ending the traffic! What a weird goal or ambition to have. It was really clear to me today how much more I needed to do and move through. I visited Kcir today again to speak about sustainable solutions for my students. I know his work with SweetWater Farms and the CSA was instrumental and necessary for the next transition before us. I asked him to present real solutions and progress he sees and created in our culture today. He really changed and shifted a lot. Much more than I ever knew or understood. Talking to my class about what one man has done here locally to change and shift things that affected everyone across Earth is really wonderful.
What you are doing to inspire and direct your students will change so much more than you know. It’s moving things at such a higher level. If you know and understand how we only send you angels, then you are clear to share and BE fully yourself for you students and your peers. Recognizing your responsibility here before the best and brightest brought together for this experience was very important and bringing together your friends and others of power and focus is critical.
I recognize this too, has been a struggle, and I’ve come to terms more than ever about what I am doing. I recognize that this could be the ending as much as it cane be the very beginning. Each day I wake and accept what you open to me and try my best to listen and step into the opportunities and tasks laid out before me. I know I have so much to do, and also find these moments alone now to rest with you. I see so much moving around me and so much bringing people to understand these deeper challenges and conflicts before me. I pray for God to lead and guide me to step into the power and focus that You have opened for me and the Strength and Wisdom to achieve all You have opened before me.

I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.

Monday, November 14, 2022

continue to teach and sing

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word! It is remarkable how things area always so strong and connected and powerful. I am always so stu

nned and challenged how things connect and shift before my eyes. I asked Elehcim to come to my class again. When she decided that she could, she shared this video https://youtu.be/r71yNnfY6ss that vibrated in tune with what I’m doing. I see the focus and shifting of everything before us. 
Its about global shifting people from the old into the new. More and more people are connecting to spirit and stepping beyond the greed and control so many people are trapped in.
It’s the end of the age of extraction and creating a new space of love and family! Not the DNA rebuilding space of deception, but the true creation space shifting to native natural health and growth back connected to the Earth.   
What about the new place you need. Rethink- not the way you thought to get here, but new thinking. Enable- new measures and organized on networks of change through collaborations away from the power centers here. Bridge- from the old to the new with change beyond the greed and confusion of control and deceptions.
I am not sure where things are for me directly! Each day I am doing more and accept whatever Jesus sets before me. I trust and accept what shows up for me and continue to teach and sing in church. I’m helping more in Unity Church too. I’ve not been working in the gardens as much as I have before, but do have people in my home who are. Seeing how things change for me where things are getting more coherent and set together in everything I do.
We have been moving things together for you more all the time, as more systems shift.
I pray for your truth and guidance to make my day successful and I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.

Saturday, November 5, 2022

a Jazz Night on Tuesday nights

10/30/22 6:27am  I’ve been asleep and awake, up and down all night, with all sorts of strong dreams. The first dream I remember that was really weird, I was confronting my brother Scobey. Punched him with a fist, wow, never did that before, even though he has countless times?!  Then he died?  I thought that was really weird, obviously! These events had nothing to do with each other, at least that’s what I thought? That's why I thought it was weird.

The Second dream was the University having a event showing faculty how well they could produce new patent  prototypes. It was like demonstrating their new workshops capabilities. This place was like surgically clean and had a technician at every piece of equipment, so that if you wanted something cut, or something done you could take it through, from one to the next to get it all the pieces perfect. Lynda was in a balcony over it, so she could see all the different components and could see people working in the facility . . . walking around sipping a glass of wine and so forth. It was kinda neat as I ate a snack and of course, I didn’t belong there as I’m not faculty yet, but nobody knew it. And so I remember going through it, and I must’ve been arriving just as it was finishing, because I saw so much and then I went back to see it again and some of it was closed down and gone, evidently they had setup everything just to show.

I remember going into the metal shop and seeing all the equipment, and then I went to see who is in the front office, to ask questions. I got to the front office, and it had this handicap guy in there that I already knew. He and his peers, like three people all with some disabilities, were running the shop and I was so happy to see them; and they were happy to see me too. I thought it was wonderful, like the best professionals from the previous shops were all together, doing it the way that they wanted, to share their skills, and build cool things. It was kind of neat because it was the facility you knew all along, seeing it all together with a glass of wine was great. Add a little models in their hands that they brought with them from one to the next, to the next, to get it completed how awesome.

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!
What has happened is exactly what you created.
I love you Jesus, thank you for pulling me through all this. Now, again moving in my power more than ever, and no one has any clue how it is all your Love Dear Jesus! Each day, I get to share more with you and it gets so powerful as I see many of my fantasies coming together in magical ways. I really still feel like I’m in some magical place doing and experiencing something that is so awesome and surreal.  Like something happened with C0v!d and shifted everything to another place, where I can see and experience things more than ever.
Thank You Dear Lord Jesus Christ for this experience and understanding, where I am able to step into this new roll and responsibility. I realize it’s really the same progression bringing me closer to you. Saying your prayers and witnessing the experience you gave me has been really incredible. As each morning I get to share and understand more at a new level and new place.
What has happened with you space?
I got a call Saturday to go help at the church. I was in the middle of cleaning my kitchen pantry and had this big mess on the floor. So Eilsel called and asked me to come help with the Trunk or Treat as someone was out sick.  When I told her about the mess before me, she said she could come on Tuesday and help. So I stopped that moment and went to meet here. She picked me up at the church, and drove me over to get another car and bring it back. I sat there with the car I’m passing out candy, and writing in my journal.  I asked Eilsel if she could find a carpet cleaner and she called and scheduled one for Tuesday morning.

Of course, then I remembered that I needed to be working with Judy on Tuesday morning. And Eilsel said she could come and supervise the carpet cleaning for me. She then dropped in and gave me some insight and suggestions to reorganize my space better. Then Tuesday she arrived at the same time as the carpet cleaner. I was so happy to get the space cleaned. Eilsel did a great job organizing and clearing things in my kitchen and around the room. She also told me a few other things to do to make the space open up more.

I’ve decided she knew more than I could. The last time she changed something so minor and simple in my bathroom. It was such a big surprise and made me feel so much better so now I’m set to trust anything she says because I’m still really clueless about some things and just need to accept when someone offers it help me. It’s important for me to just accept things as they happen.
Yes what you have been doing is bringing the Spirit into these spaces where others can share and experience the Love and light that you are, you are really bringing out so much more that people do not know or understand and bringing it before their eyes in a new way.

A few weeks ago after Church and we stopped at the Left Bank, which I had seen and passed on my bike a thousand times. I always thought it was a middle eastern shop of some kind. I was so happy to find out it was a fancy restaurant and they have a Jazz Night on Tuesday nights after Chior. So I was so happy to get out and eat tonight and even have a cappuccino and a chocolate cake desert. I’m typing into my blog and eating by myself. It’s really wonderful Jesus, as I know you are with me and seem to really prefer that I get out and share this experience with you anyway that I can.

I know I need to complete an application for a new job and get it out in the next day or so. I also know I need to get things ready for Adnil who is coming tomorrow for three days!
What happened then?
I got the place all cleaned up and she really seemed to enjoy her stay. I hope she writes me a great review. She never commented on my USF application, but I submitted two of them anyway! Please Dear God, Help me to get a Professor Position so I may grow and learn to achieve more than ever.   I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.

Monday, October 24, 2022

taking this power and control

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!
Whatever you need is ready for you and your every fantasy will be falling at your feet. Each time we have done this before people get lost, selfishness takes over, greed comes into control and everything is lost again. 
I know the Incas, Mayans, Greek and Romans!  And we have so much more capacity and knowledge now. We are far beyond what so many other people have ever seen. It's taking this power and control that I know and experience at such a different level and making it more to a higher place. Especially in my prayers and requests of God. I know the clarity and detail is critical and now I understand and how important it is to stay into this power and clarity that you shared again in reminding me.
What is more important than ever is how you are so specific asking for God’s  strength and wisdom in your thoughts, words, and actions. This is really about making your voice that of God's. 
I remember! Please lend Your Strength, Love, & Wisdom to me dear God so I may speck Your Words to reach beyond the limits of mankind to achieve the greatness that you desire in shifting our place and culture to return to the truth and blessings of love and peace you planned and intended with this creation.
I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ, in your name I pray for the Glory of Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, amen.

Friday, October 21, 2022

more dominion than usual

10/19/22 5pm Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word! It’s really neat to get more connected to this power and presence that YOU are and open to me. I understand how powerful this is, and how much things are shifting from another place. I just sat down in Mermaids, because the traffic was too much for me to touch the interstate. I asked John if he had time for Dunderbaks, and he replied that he was out of town. That usually means he’s visiting his daughter, which is a good thing. 
What happened in class today? 
It was really cool, the teams presented strongly, and clearly! I’m still concerned about some people sliding through. Those who did present, did so strongly that I wanted to send Professor John some clips (now I get this video from Paster John pouting me on point). Then of course, I had to post all the video clips to my google drive, so all students who missed class could do makeup evaluations. This is kinda funny, because I can give John links to everything instead of just sending him a little clip. But as usual, my world is out of sync with everyone else. Or at least out of sync with the present majority that wants to maintain the status-quo of killing and polluting everything for the all mighty green 🏦💸💵💴💶💷🪙💰💲and not do anything or change anything.
What do you think it means in your class.
It’s clear more and more focus is coming through here! WOW, I realize it’s starting to get dark here outside, and I’m going to fall asleep soon . . . Wow, I better get home!

We have set so much into your space and you are very clear and present with it. Everything is exactly as it needs to be. Taking time for yourself and enjoying a really good organic hamburger with a good stout beer is important for you too. Everything is ready for you to be who you came to be here. There is so much coming together very strongly, and you are in the right place at the right time.
10/21/22 8:31pm  I’ve been so tired and perplexed completely. And so today I sat and watched a movie! 
The hour is 'coming and is now here!
Of Course, all three connected such a clear powerful system. Where Trmp was breaking all the lies in the system. Indigenous Natives were taking it all back to truth ending colonization. And I spin around the same train ride, over and over until i get it right. Yez, Source Code was a love story about a dead man saving the world. How cool is that: e=mc2 all over again. And I wonder what that means and why it’s for me to see now, here again as the gangster in high school, spinning my whole world again, back to teaching the obvious. I know I have too much to do, and never seem to be gettin ahead. But then I do some silly things that seem so insignificant at that moment, but who knows. Yes, like watching the random movies, and YouTube’s that show up on my feed. Movies always are singing to my soul at another place that I don’t understand, at another vibration for another time and place. Shifting something so much clearer, and stronger deep inside of me that I never fully understand; so much more than I could ever seem to understand or comprehend at all.
What you know and understand is simply what is. There is so much deeper and stronger beyond the simple and direct experience that you perceive. You are always lost because you allow Spirit to lead, and do not need to know directly. Yo always accept this work as a duty before you. So the unconscious has more dominion than usual in your experience, because you have always trusted and respected Spirit, God, and Jesus leading and directing your life like no other. “The way, the truth, the life, I believe you are” 
I guess so . . . I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.

Monday, October 17, 2022

where I am and where I’m going

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word. . . 

10/6/22 1:27pm I’m in the St Pete campus library again and I’m just really tired! I rushed to get here and never checked my email this morning where Tim rescheduled our meeting again. I know I need to get so much done at home, but then I really don’t want to. I don’t really feel like doing anything at all. I need to get my taxes done, and then also get my class projects graded for class Monday.
What you might try is asking for strength and wisdom. You have used these as your focus for prayers for a very long time. Now you have been asked to pray more and you are not using the one thing you have used for most of your life. Yes, you feel alone and tired. You are not standing on the strong foundation you have had for most of your life. 
I’m sorry, you told me to get more specific to pray for my daily broad and the immediate needs and desires that are so strong and present with me, like how I'm tired and sore, and want to spend a few weeks in bed. I know I really almost had two years off completely, and now I'm working and doing some things I really love. 
What is next before you can be really powerful and sustaining for you.

10/13/22 3:47pm I finally had my meeting with Tim at the Center for Innovative Teaching and Learning. He clearly liked my random experience of being thrown into teaching again. It’s very clear he was interested or inspired by just the random transformation of my life! Further, he is impressed with Dr. Jermier’s work and course presentation even to question and challenge me to bring it further. What are my real objectives and what have I done to bring this deeper knowledge and understanding into the course. 

We had a very focused discussion and review of what I’ve done and where I’m going. It was wonderful to get a very focused discussion on where I am and where I’m going.  He told me there are research professors and instructional professors, so I don’t really need to focus on getting something published. Then he also told me that teaching in the business college was nearly twice the salary as teaching in the others. I do have another interview in a few weeks. This is with the USFSP campus, but in the student affair office instead of teaching anything.

What about this teaching experience is so powerful for you?
I’m always inspired at the opportunity to change people, or having students recognize they can change others.  That’s really where I am focused on here. It’s really inspiring to help students realize how they can change another soul! How helping these kids understand these details about our economy and environment can open so much for them. And they can recognize how much an effect they can have on the whole world. It’s really a priceless opportunity to get so much sound research and important insight into the world as we know it. To bring us higher and learn more about what it really means and how it’s all connected. It’s very obvious to me how I am able to bring so much to these kids.
What is the challenge then. You love to teach, and you are pushing people to see the bigger picture in such a way that they can really change it. How ideal is this for you. Something you could have planned and created yourself.
I get it! Rub it in.  So I created this iPad so I could talk, type, and scribble randomly from one moment to the next. Then of course it must automatically correct the spelling and grammar for me since I’m totally clueless about all this stuff. Yes, you made it very easy for me to write and publish and I can now anywhere at anytime, very conveniently and synergistically. THANK YOU, its wonderful.  
What about your class?
I know you also created the space and time for me to be able to empower my students to really stand-up and say, or demand things that no one else can do. Everyone is terrified to express and experience so many things!  it like the apex civilization with the greatest power, and tools possible; and they can’t use them or understand what I means to use them for shifting the understanding of their peers, family, parents, or anyone.
What do you think you are here to do?
I know, I need to get them excited about stepping out again the matrix and the machine. It’s really an obvious clear and easy task before me. And stepping out into a place of leadership. It’s nothing new for me. I’ve always been the outsider that everyone hates and wants to emulate. I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.

Thursday, October 6, 2022

more clarity and focus

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word!

I’m finally getting very strong and specific with my class. I almost feel like I “jipped” them, because they were not clear on what I was doing.  Or maybe I was clear, but it wasn’t clear to them. Today, I did my own PPT, and it really opened so much more for them. I also changed my reviews and such so they have a lot more to go on. Of course, their first review was of my own PPT today. So I presented what I wanted them to do and then also gave them the opportunity to review me, so I could give them a review grade, and get them ready for the next set of presentations.
What about your Dreams last night?
I woke up to doing some presentations somewhere. I guess that's not a big surprise. This helped me to get focused and clear about what was next for me today. I guess that is really not a surprise at all, since you are always getting me ready for whatever is next for me. It's always a place of power and clarity for me. I get more and more put in front of me. So I get more clarity and focus. I realize I need to take my place and responsibility more and more seriously. It's very obvious how I am getting more power.
What happened to your finger is happening all around you, all the time. That power and focus you experience in making things happen is a big responsibility. So many have gotten lost here. Making things happen is a very deep responsibility. Like now, you are seeing and imagining something very specific. Don't get too focused on specifics, make the visions more general. You want to meet and speak with someone. See a leader or a professional, not a specific smile or body. You need to allow creation to flow, and direct the energy not the people. Similarly, in your class allowing them to move and be as they feel is so important. 
I AM, starting to get more of a focus as we move forward. I told everyone today how they need to shift the consciousness and innovation of the university and nation. A new car and consumer practice for beef and plastics will not be enough to change anything. We need to go so much further than this. It's really a consciousness and leadership change teat we need to see.

I walked over to a Lambda Theta Phi meeting. This Latin Fraternity is presenting about Latin empowerment. I’m really just tired, ready to sleep. I know I never participated in any of these groups and I also now I'm alone too much. 

7:12pm They told me I wasn't allowed in the building without my shoes, after I was already waiting for over an hour. So I left and walked over to my truck and realized how I still had time on my meter. I checked to see if my time would work over here in another garage and drove over. I'm still ready to go to sleep. I'm not sure what I'm here for, but I'm still ready to sleep. Latin leadership thing, that is boring me already.
I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ. Please lend Your Strength, Love, & Wisdom to me to grow and achieve all you have set before me for your glory!

Please Dear God, I pray for my taxes and salary issues to be resolved. Guide me to a sound professional position with USF or St. Pete. I need a regular income and support for this beautiful home you have gifted me. Help me today to complete all the important tasks you have set before me. Guide me to be efficient and productive in all that is befor me. Fill me with your Word and Spirit for your Glory. Amen.

Friday, September 30, 2022

back to your own priorities

Thank You Jesus Christ for Creating The Way of Your Word! I recognize that I am more in my place than ever. It’s wicked powerful and getting more-so every moment. I know where I am, and I'm really starting to recognize who I am. 

I AM getting slammed by more synchronicities than I ever knew possible. It’s one thing to see and recognize the synchronization and it’s really something completely different to step into it all and move into this power and focus that is very uniquely my own. It’s like really feeling and knowing that this iPad was my very own design and creation. Yes, all my own creation to make my Way of Life and the Earth transition experience very fast and very easy. And I see these words appearing almost magically before my eyes. It’s a trip to half type and then punch the words that appear on the task bar before me.

Then remarkable as it is, there are countless mistakes that are magically transformed from scribbles and errors into the exact words that I never could imagine were appropriate for the ideas that I’m looking to share. And It’s about making this real and valuable to others. I know I’m here to share and lead. And I know that Jesus is with me and inside of me, excited to be alive and engaged in everything I do as it all progresses and appears before me.
What you have been learning and seeing before you more and more each day is the experience of God. Jesus has opened the door and guided you into the Throne Room of Glory. The Graces of God and the associated gifts are ample and plentiful here for your benefit. You have been so focused and dedicated to the “tasks before you,” that you have not even considered asking for the bare necessities of life. You need to recognize that the Father Above is very able and happy to resolve and remove the simplest, strangest, most annoying itty-bitty details that you encounter and can not address in the daily routines of life.
I can pray about my AC and electric bills?!?
What do you think Your Father is all about? It’s making these issues and insignificant details vanish. You Father LOVES to remove all the hindrances and distractions to make it easier for you to stay focused on the more important tasks He has set before you. You were very clear and focused with the tasks before you today. You never could slow down enough to sleep. But you were still able to address the tasks at hand and provide the guidance and insights that the people sent to you needed.
I understand! I've never concerned about the details and insignificant crap. 
What happens is these insignificant details distract you and waste your time, and you spend way too much time with such gibberish. Like you concerns about paying bills. You always have money, and always get anything you need. You have never been in need. When Kim told you the story about your new roof, you suddenly began to notice how much you never concerned yourself with. You have always been protected and always step beyond all boundaries and bs that so many people spend their whole lives with. Let go of these things. You really have been beyond these things, and really need to return to that child, who could do and achieve anything. That's where you belong and being real about it is so simple and practical for you. Just stop all these extra insignificant details, and get back to your own priorities. That's where you belong. 
I know Dear Lord Jesus Christ it is time to step into another place of power and focus. I'm going to be able to do so much more. Thank You Dear Lord Jesus Christ, I Love You Dear Lord Jesus Christ!
What happened with Nate?
It started with him getting an electric bike with fat wheels like mine. He never ask me a word about it. I’m sure he saw I had one, but he knew better. He got it from Amazon or online somewhere. Soon he was having problems and I explained to him how he had to make all the screws really tight. He didn’t have a lock, so I let him use one of mine. Of course, he soon lost the key and bought me a new one. Ok sure whatever. I try to be polite and avoid any conflict!

I mean, he did move upstairs after paying me for a month on the ABB bunk, discounted considerably from the ABB rates. Yes, Shawna called about coming back to my house and wanted to get inside, instead of in the tent like last time. She was due with her baby in a week, and I wanted her to have the room Adam was in. Sure I got him in there so his cat could get out of the cat box, but now he wouldn’t agree to put her back in the box, or let her meet Shawna’s cats?  His month was really over anyway, and he had found another place. It seemed like he had troubles. Found something and planned to leave, and then it fell through. This had happened a few times. But Shawna had already been a month outside cleaning up my garden for a free breakfast and coffee each morning so making the space for her was necessary.

Yes, Shawna had two cats and a dog when she rented the tent. Paid for the month immediately. And I didn’t even meet her for the first few days. I could tell someone was in the tent, and there was piles of stuff around. I finally saw her one morning as I went out for my bike ride. She was clearly VERY pregnant. I immediately asked if she was ok. I guess, I knew finding a place with animals was difficult, but also pregnant and alone, meant she might be trying to avoid some crazy man somewhere. She said she was fine, and when I asked if she was eating well, I could tell she wasn’t. With a baby, I had to make sure she was safe and all. I offered to give her some of my good healthy organic fruit and oatmeal, that I make every morning, if she could help out around the gardens. Wow, did she clean up a lot, and then got a fresh breakfast every morning!

Nate paid for the month and agreed to go upstairs to the empty room, so Shawna with her animals could have his bunk. There were already two other “weekly guys” in the room too. I hoped Adam would figure it out, move back into a bunk or whatever, so she could have the bigger room. He was jerking me around, never telling me what was up, or when he was going or staying until the last minute. Then he even asked to stay without paying. But then Shawna called back again and asked if she could move in NOW!

She was in Sefner where her guy had paid for a space for them. She was convinced he could never be a good father and just had to get away from him. Nate moved upstairs in about 5 minutes, I gave him the house keys and asked him to only use what he already knew in the kitchen. Of course, he paid for a bunk not a kitchen, so he was thrilled. And then I was driving off the get Shawna in no time at all. The cops arrived there shortly after me. I was so grateful. I could see her piling her stuff outside a motel room. And her mom was there too, while they were yelling back and forth.

The cops stayed there until she and her mom had everything in the back of my truck. I told the cops I was a friend just helping her move. I covered everything with a tarp and then took off, first taking her mom home, as we passed through Tampa. Her mom lived off 22nd by my old Seminole Heights Neighborhood. And we were tired and hungry so I suggested Mermaids Tavern. Shawna had agreed to put gas into my truck, so I bought us dinner, with her little dog there with us. The two cats were in a box in my truck. WOW!

ANYWAY, Adam got pissed at me for suggesting he let his cat meet other cats, or even worse that he move back in the bunk and put his cat back into a box. So he soon left. Shawna moved into the big room. Someone else rented the room upstairs and I asked Nate to go back down to his bunk. Course he took a whole day to move. And I was really pissed at this by then. He had his own pantry of food, and made big meals, never asking me about anything. Eating my expensive honey and Almond Butter dip as a sandwich? WOW, he even ate ALL my pink himalayan salt and the expensive olive oil. Course he used all my spices and such too. NEVER offered to replace anything. Then when I got my keys back and he was out in the bunk, I noticed he left stuff in the fridge and pantry. I just pushed it out of my way, thinking I’d give him everything when he asked and I had time. Nothing. Suddenly the Pantry was empty?  I made the divider to separate the front room more substantially, but I still wonder if he copied my key as well. I even lock my bedroom when I sleep and have a bat there next to me.

Crazier still he was parking his new ebike on my back porch so he could plug it in. He was never realistic about it, and I tried to tell him that the rain would ruin everything. But again he knew better. So he tells me how he plugged it in all wet and saw sparks. I reset the circuit and his charger was dead. I pulled out my charger and it was the same size, so he used it to get to work. Course, still out in the rain he fried BOTH of my chargers too???  Then he bought himself a new one, and let me use it when he was off at work.

As usual, I tried to avoid all conflict, I didn’t need another scene like with Keith. 
What Happened Wednesday that you told your son about?
Ok, so Nate got a flat tire and locked his electric bike at a gas station. I told him he was crazy and someone would steal it, but as usual he knew better. After a day or two, he asked me to help him get his bike, and maybe go food shopping. He said he would give me some gas money. I was grading my class work, stopped and got all my stuff together and was outside ready to go in 5 minutes. I was even waiting for him to come out?  So we drive three miles to the bike on 30th Ave and 46th Street. It was gone! Oh well he says, lets go shopping. I suggested Aldi, Sams and Publix as I go all the time anyway. 

I went in with him at Aldi and got a few things. He got a cart full, even cat food for Shawna’s cats. He forgot to get boxes so I was pulling bags out of my truck to pack his food in. We went to Sams and he wanted to buy more, but had no way to pay for it. He could have given me cash, but anyway. Then at Publix I dropped him off, thinking he already filled a cart and all he needed was bread. I sat in the truck reading email outside the front door for 30 minutes and he came out with another cart full.

As we were leaving he saw a Wells Fargo and asked if we could stop so he could fix his visa, which he needed to get Uber rides to work, without a ebike. I stopped again, back to reading emails on my phone. 20 minutes later he asked about going next door to another bank, and ran over. I drove around and picked him up. We stopped by the gas station again where the ebike was. I suggested he at least get a police report or ask if they had taking it or something. No luck. The homeless guy he saw there told him that someone was there pounding with a hammer or something the day before.
What happened next?
When we got home I went upstairs to get my grades done. And then I realized it was getting late and I needed to clean-up outside before the hurricane hit. After working for a while outside I was trying to fold up the big sails all alone, which was really a pain in the ass. I finally decided to ask Nate to help me. When I walked into the room, they had a frozen pizza in the toaster oven and so I asked him to come out and help when he could. An hour later I was getting frustrated with the sails and walked back over. Of course the pizza was gone, and he said “oh I forgot.”

I told him I was ready to go in 5 minutes when he needed something, but now that I’m trying to make the place safe with a hurricane, coming he can’t find the time to help. Don’t bother!

Oh, then he got mad, told me I had “no right” to get mad at him, and that I was rude and demanding. I told him he was inconsiderate again and he told me he would be petty too starting to demand his charger back. He continued to yell at me for the next 20 minutes following my around saying he wanted the ebike charger NOW. I continued to move things into the back yard and he was not helping me at all but still yelling about his charger. I finally gave him one that he burnt out, and told him I wanted him out. His month is up in a day or so and I want him out. Of course, then he began demanding a refund and that I give him the one charger that was still working.

Of course, there were two bike chargers working when he arrived and now there was only one that works. And he continued to yell, and block my path standing in front of me yelling and all. Threatening and harassing me. Wow, I trash to Keith assaulting me and using the bat in my hands. So I started to carry a walking stick as. I continued to cleanup, and Nate continued to yell BS.

Now 9/30 morning as I edit this blog, I notice the front door opening an closing every second and I hope its him moving out. But it seem like Shawna is going too. I saw her walking back to the container to get things. So I asked if she was leaving with Nate. And she yelled that she doesn’t have to tell me anything and that I was a pervert and a pedophile. “WHAT?”  So she then said when I walked through the house taking pictures for hurricane insurance I passed by her nursing the baby. Then she demanded that I couldn’t say a word to her or it would be sexual harassment. Of course, she knew I was recording it.  And told me I couldn’t say anything to her. . . 

Leslie called and while we were talking I smelled something burning. I went out front and found the toaster oven on while they were eating in her room. I pulled the plug and shut it all off. Then tried to shut the power off upstairs in the circuit box. Not sure if I did it right or not.

I Love You Dearest Loving Lord Jesus Christ.